Dance of the Arthropods

    by Snipe

Every town's a ghost
homes shuttered and dark
all flock to the beach
to witness-

The Dance of the Arthropods

The whole day is given to leisure-
picnics and kite runs through the surf
families and
friends and
watch the Sun decline

At sunset's approach
a hush spreads round
all advance close
to the shores edge

The precise moment
between day and night
The Call begins-

The Islanders have long speculated
on its origin
on this night
centuries ago
a child spoke the truth-
"Tis the Island itself."

It starts from the highest peak
of The Forbidden Mountain-
an icy shriek that builds
into an avalanche of sound
Rumbling down the mountain
pouring across The Island
into a sub sonic wail
that neither human nor saurian
can actually hear

You are aware when it has been released-
the blood quickens
and hearts jump
skin alive with goose bumps
while scales chatter

This decree was not meant
for those on The Islands,
but those that live under
and around it

The surface of the water vibrates
into foam with it's message-

And then-

The Call answered-
out of the Sea
march proud armored troops
in stately rows they advance
returning The Island's invitation to dance

A full Moon above
casts illumination divine
as the performers take position-
awaiting their cue

From out of The Rainy Basin-
a Deep
Percussive roll
signals the assembled dignitaries to begin

With Claws held high over head
they return The Island's introduction
with a resonant >CLACK<
that echoes across the land

Wind picks up through the desert
blowing melodies
through the carved cliffs of Canyon City

The Trilobites twirl
The Lobsters pirouette
The Crabs shimmy
with the precision of a military operation

Both human
and saurian stare in dumb founded wonder
As the sound of strings run over the dancers
they reach a frenzied crescendo-
freezing in wondrous poses
on The Island's last note

To a standing ovation
the crustaceans pivot back to their home-
marching regally into the moonlit surf.

Dance of the Arthropods
