Night of Bonfires

    by Snipe

Flint box and striker
kindling and cord
gathered up tight
bundled up warm

Food is prepared
scrolls are reread
on this the longest
night of the year

As darkness comes on
the torches are lit
the homes are all dark

Away from the cities and towns
to the beaches and forests
the plains and mountains
the islanders arrive
and settle down
to the long night ahead

The bonfires are lit
huge cackling roars
the clans gather round
and stories are told

The eldest go first
telling tales that were ancient
at their birth/hatching
the children and hatchlings entranced

And on through the night
and through the generations
the island alive
with story and fire

As dawn awakens
the bonfires din
a whispering ember
those hatchlings and children
still awake
tell their stories
Those elders
still awake
listen intently

Traditions enriched
generations embraced
The Night of Bonfires complete.
