Childrens' Day

    by Snipe

To live in the world of experience-
surrendering oneself fully
to get lost within the moment
The senses alive
fueled by an abundance
of both energy and imagination-

To follow where the play leads
the only responsibility
being to adventure itself

all of The Island
puts aside the work of the day
to take the hand
of the nearest child
to follow
wherever the game may lead

Across The Island
Historians leapfrog
while Doctors skip rope
an impromptu stage is set up
and scribes take down
the words of the day-
spoken by any child that wants
to share insight

The Island joins the fun-
releasing pockets of helium gas
at random spots-
normal conversations
several octaves

The air itself
is infused with wonder and delight

The lesson of today
is to never lose
the ability to make something out of nothing-
to discover the miraculous
in the mundane-
and to engage in the fine art of play
with the absolute conviction
of a five year old.
