Celebration of the Fates

    by Snipe

Before Dawn
on the first day of the new year

In every town
in every village
a shrouded figure
slowly makes it's way
to the central square

It stands silently
waiting for the signal
from a bell tower
or there-
a rooftop
or there-
a lighthouse
or there-
a skybax perch

A fellow player
calls out in clear voice-
"Come up! Gather all!
I behold Fate;
it's traveled far
to tell us of it's ways."

Sleepy children and hatchlings,
Adults and elders
all slowly gather around
the silent visitor

When the crowd is complete
the nervous hush
is broken
by Fate-
"What is Fate?"

The actors booming voice
carries and echos across the square
hatchlings and children
cling to parents

"Are you all puppets that dance
to my whim-
Your strings tangle and knot until
I grow bored and cruelly cut?"

The crowd gasps and steps back

Fate bows it's head-
"No, I am no great controller-
and you are not puppets.
Your fate is yours to make;
we must all make choices-
some are bound to fail.
Do not curse me or yourself for these,
learn from them and teach those
who are your friends.
Unite in your shared bond
and together your fate
will be stronger-

With that
Fate spun it's robes dramatically
and exited the square.

Long tables
are set up in the square-
(no market this morning)
and everyone helps to prepare
a shared breakfast feast

As the meal proceeds
each stands and shares a lesson
that Fate had taught them
this last year

The sun rises
on this new year
the bonds of friendship
stronger than before.
