Celebration of the Hatchlings

    by Snipe

A walk through any town
normally bustling with workers and shopkeeps
reveals closed doors and shutters
no bakers or tailors

Keep walking to the outskirts of town
eventually you'll find them all-
The entire town
camped out at the local Hatchery
tents and wagons
for those who traveled far-

The Celebration of the Hatchlings
For days now
everyone has worked to repair and redress
carpenters and blacksmiths work
on sagging joints and leaky roofs
everything gets a fresh coat of paint

By this, the Celebration day proper
all work has been finished
and everyone takes a moment to admire their hard work
the Hatchery is always a point of local pride-
they are generally the most brightly painted
and decorated building in the entire town-

As we stand back
smelling the fresh paint and sawdust
the feelings we have are not for the building
but what it represents-
New Life-
and with it the energy of boundless possibilities
each new spark lending it's fire
to enrich the whole

For the entire month the number of volunteers
tending the Hatchery has tripled
It's an Island rule never to turn away offered help-
but at times the huge structure is more crowded than
morning market-
The staff look to one another for strength
to survive this wave of good intention

On this day there are dances and games-
hatchling naming and weight guessing contests
The Huge barn doors are flung open
and the festivities spill outdoors

All the music
and dancing
and activity comes to a stop
when the bell is rung-
indicating that the first crack has run across an egg

All jockey for position
hundreds of eyes refuse to blink
as a tiny nose takes it's first breath of The Island
An assistant stands by to remove shell fragments
the nearby windows are shuttered
to protect the newly hatched eyes

It opens them
focusing on it's dozens of new parents
those assembled share it's blurry vision
through tears of wonder

This miracle is repeated throughout the day-
those hatched on this day tend to grow into
Saurians of deep wisdom and respect

The saying goes
The Island kisses these hatchlings twice-
it's gift to them
and to all that dwell here.
