The Woven Ring

(Interdependance Day)

    by Snipe

I sit in my cave
high atop the Sculpted Cliffs
meditating on the holidays meaning-
my hand idly wanders
the desks cluttered surface
to retrieve a woven ring-
a souvenir from the last Triceratops Day parade

I examine the object
woven with care
by small hands
I can identify at least seven different
species of plants used in its construction

My hand turn the ring
my eyes follow the weave
I am lost in its spell-

This woven ring
a trifle thing
a child’s pastime fun-
yet deep within its twisting path
a truth lay yet unsung

The circle shape
this life we make
around and over and through
the friends we have
the love we share
binds all we think and do

I travel the weave
down in between
a thorny bramble spy
that cuts and rips
those tender wrapped nearby

Our actions here
within this life
carry weight and effect
we each must choose our weave to take-
to nurture or infect

Reach out to those
wrapped tight round you-
family, neighbors, friends
strive to strengthen the weave
and upon finding damage
do best to make amends

Each strand alone
a paltry thing
cannot bear much wear and tear-
yet when woven tight around the rest
their multiplied strength do share

To support the weaker
and guide the stronger
round this woven life
to share the wondrous mix
of love and joy
and pain and strife-

I come back
still holding this simple truth
the ring just fits around my wrist
I vow
to wear one always
as a map of sorts

Down below
across the Island
the Dinotopians are sharing picnics
and hardships
Those that can
are helping those that can't

I sit at the mouth of my cave looking out
slowly turning the woven ring round my wrist-
the sun breaks out from behind
a cloud bank
and I smile.
