Festival of Laughter

    by Snipe

Its easy
to get caught up
in the daily routine-
of school
and work
and home

Today we break
from these
to pause and reflect
on this ludicrous impossibility
this wondrous spectacle
this ridiculous joke-


In every town
across The Island
events are unfolding-

In Waterfall City
a respected professor,
replete with flowing white beard
tutors a group of blacksmiths
on the finer points
of the mating rituals of the Platypus

While in Treetown
an all raptor cast
put on a riveting performance
of Romeo and Juliet
(There is not a dry eye in the house)

Over in Canyon City
a local crazy inventor
hauls out a huge
Sunstone powered device
spraying the local sand dunes
with a fresh layer of snow-
The whole town learns to ski

At the top of
The Forbidden Mountain
the solemn Tibetans
draw sacred diagrams
on the ancient stone courtyards
of their temple-
to play hop scotch
and jump rope

On this day
The Island steps back
to appreciate this Life
and that

