Day of Purification

    by Snipe

Each household sends a member
outfitted for the test ahead
these participants join into groups
all turn to face their goal-
The Forbidden Mountains

Near the summit
lies a deep glacial lake
that unlike all those that surround it
never freezes over
the Tibetans call it
"The Islands Mouth"
They have set up camp here
several days earlier
awaiting those from below

A lookout spots
the first group to arrive
sounding a conch shell trumpet
other Tibetans rush
to welcome the weary travelers
relieving them of heavy packs
offering cups of hot tea

The near frozen hikers
are ushered into yurts*
here to change into ceremonial garb
over the next few days
Islanders arrive in droves
greeted by earlier arrivals
An air of restrained excitement
permeates the thin air

The last groups appear
from the farthest edges of The Island
and prepare
for this-

The Day of Purification

Near the Mouth of The Island
numerous sweat lodges have been built
groups disrobe and enter
a dark hot world

A Tibetan chants a perfect mimic
of a Hadrosaurs call
the sound echoes and fills
the sweat lodge till perception blurs

The door is thrown open-
Blinding light
Freezing cold

The gathered are herded out
into the world
into The Mouth of The Island

The water-
system shock
as nerves flash
and muscles contract

And, throughout the trauma
at the center-
so calm
so welcoming
so warm
so peaceful-

The Island reaches out to its children
and embraces from the inside out
A fire that burns away
Leaving Compassion in its wake

They scramble to the shore
like near frozen frogs
Smiling Tibetans wrap Yak wool blankets
around each new born
and walk them over to their clothes
and trays of steaming tea

Before returning home
the next day
each is allowed to fill a container
with water
from The Mouth of The Island
to be carried back down
to their waiting families and loved ones
each to drink
and take within
The Islands love.

*Yurt- a circular domed tent of felt stretched
over a collapsible lattice framework and used
by pastoral peoples of inner Asia.
