Hatchday of the Sun

    by Snipe

I smile
running my fingers
across the elaborate beadwork-
lost in memories
of my own initiation
I take the wristband received
after I emerged from my own initiation
atop the Pyramid of the Sun
and tie it tight
round my wrist
followed by the next marker
and the next
until both arms
are striped with pattern and color

With humility
I place the collar
round my neck-
that I will serve
as a guiding hand
in today's ceremony

I am greeted
by the others in my group-
dreamers all
who walk The Way of Knowledge
and will continue as it's students
for as long as there are new ideas and dreams

Those that are less experienced-
but no less devoted
have prepared the Pyramid
for tonight's trials
We adjourn our group
to a small chamber
overlooking a holding area
containing this years initiates-
we observe with a mixture
of pride
hope and
jealous of the experiences and wonders that await them

for their part
have prepared their minds and bodies
for the moment at hand-
we look over the scrolls
that outline their development to this point-
the potential is moving

The ceremony is a crucible-
a test of every aspect
of a participant being
To take the base Lead
of these promising youths
and transform it
into the Gold
of higher knowledge-
is the reason we gather here today

A gong whispers the time
we watch as the initiates
are blindfolded and taken by lift
to the apex of the Pyramid
There are twelve this year-
a good number
I wonder how many will emerge transformed
as I once did

My group boards another lift
stopping at stations
which each of us take our position at
Each station
a test
each test
a situation to which there is no
right or wrong response
only the correct one for that individual student

Each of us overseers wear a collar-
within it
a network of sunstone filaments
woven into patterns to communicate
with the Pyramid itself
when we have all taken our places
we interface-
we see as one
breathe as one
react as one-
we are the biological circuit necessary
to engage the program
that is The Pyramid of the Sun-
we become the pyramid
and it becomes us

The Hatchday of the Sun
is an ordeal
to all involved-
the initiates will face
total and absolute terror
and pure
The body
and spirit
are shattered
and remade

Those of us that over see the process
every fear and doubt
every pain and delusion
every triumph and epiphany
every moment of those traversing the path

A participant knows
when they are journeying
into territory they are not
yet ready for-
There is an agreement
between the initiate and the pyramid
to withdraw them for their own safety-
they may participate next year
if they feel ready

This year
three emerge newborn-
to collapse exhausted in the dawning Sun
We separate from the pyramid
and make our way to the top
and greet our newest members

They look the same
but different
their eyes
their hearts
their minds
open to the possibilities of their existence
We embrace them as our own
giving each
the beaded wristband
that signals
the beginning of a long journey.

Hatchday of the Sun
