Sun and Shadow Day

    by Snipe

High above
the noonday Sun
sits regal upon his celestial throne.
Ra's disk spins
such brilliance
light and heat
to dispel the silken robes of Night
The Sun-
a shining crown
atop the mystic Tree of Life

My hand cast out
between Sun and ground-
a shadow born,
this perfect mimic
in quiet dusk
I need to know more
of this silent land
the perfect light
and the perfect night

I journey to a forest
for my next lesson plan
to sit in shades of silence-
the whispering of Trees
I look up
and up
and up-
the branches and the leaves
arms and fingers
shimmer in absolute accord

The light has a quality
as liquid as the time filtering through the green-
dappling a filigree
shadows of dimension
until my eyes close from too much-
intoxication of the senses
the lesson continues
through closed lids-
the light through the trees
pouring down onto me
dancing patterns that translate
into purity of soul

Beyond language
and reason
this interplay of light and shadow
sing subtle symphonies
I feel instead of here-

I follow the threads
leading deeper into shadow
and away from
light and
safe and

The Sun to my back
I walk further into the ever lengthening
cast I project
rhythm and cadence soon take their toll
back there
I stepped right on through
and into
The Land of Shadow-
existing in-between
a single note being held
and on
and on

The rules get soft
the edges blur
the shadows run ahead
my footfalls time
this dance
we take
slight movements
all around

My senses flare
to comprehend
this tapestry of hush
the meanings here
layer deep
with understated grace
as fragrant
and complicated
as a night blooming lotus

With this image in my mind
I open up my eyes-
The Sun
my hand
the ground-
and the shadow kingdom in-between.
