Hot Spring Thaw

    by Snipe

Winter's jaw is locked and set
It rolls eyes of icebergs in defiance
It's hold is sure-

What's this?
The Island shrugs a bit
and Winter growls a storm
that blankets Sky City in snow

What's that?
Is that steam?
The surface ice cracks-
spreading, running fingers
out to grasp the frozen shore

Winter is outraged-
This is not right
Winter cranes it's neck
to sniff the icy currents
that whip it's craggy lair-

There is the faintest smell
of Spring
Sending warm shivers down
Winter's frozen spine

Winter stamps an Avalanche
and retreats to higher elevations
to sulk

Down below in Thermala-
Tibetans soak and meditate
in the hot springs
while familes of monkeys
splash and frolic around them

Spring watches amused-
weaving a new dress of Lilys and Holly.

Hot Springs Thaw
