TreeCircle Day

    by Snipe

A human and his Saurian partner
sit atop a hill looking out over an orchid-

The wise Saurian asks
it's friend to describe what he sees-
"A large fruit tree. It is very
beautiful in bloom. What do you see?"

The Saurian sighs,
turning to the Tree-
The Tree crackles with Life;
It's trunk thrumming with
internal pulsing,
Roots glowing a deep red
as they fingered through the rich soil,
Leaves whispering and laughing that
sound that always makes the Heart pull,
as The Sun tickles and feeds,
The blossoms themselves
sing in fragrant voices that nearby bees
find impossible to resist-

The Saurian is lost
in The Trees rhythmic dance-
brought back to here by it's partners
repeated question-
"What do you see?"
I see a tree my friend- the Saurian writes his partner

Long Ago-
The Saurians established TreeCircle Day
when it became apparent
that the humans-
(1). Could not see Nature properly
(2). Had a habit of building and expanding

The Saurians monitored the environment
as only they could
and reported their findings to the first
human settlement-
showing them
their impact upon The Island
and suggested steps
to minimize the damage over Time

The Saurians and The Humans
came to work together
in building and expanding
The Dinosaurs perspective always
respected for its insight and long term view

This holiday is held sacred
and celebrated only by The Saurians
all those living with Humans
take a holiday
to return to the natural cycle
experiencing The Island fully

This time away is well spent
monitoring the over all health
of the environment and the impact
civilization is having upon it

These findings are to be presented
in formal discourse
when those that live among The Humans
return in three days time-

at The Habitat Conference.
