Triceratops Day

    by Snipe


When The Island was first established
there were certain rules
that had to be bent
to allow our home its special characteristics-
Individual species of Saurians
were given the duty/burden/honor
of carrying within themselves
the key elements necessary to enable
Dinotopia's continued existence,
each being a key to this puzzle-

On this day
we honor our friends
The Triceratops-
whose very presence embodies

From the highest tower
the tallest tree
the mountain peak
the tri-octave horn call
of the holiday horn sounds out-

Triceratops are infamous
for their modesty,
having to be coerced by friends and partners
to partake in the days festivities

Everyone not born with horns
now wears them-
fashioned out of cloth or wood or paper
elaborate hats and headdresses
worn to honor and celebrate the day

A marching band
leads the way
as all Triceratops of the area
follow proudly-
heads held high
turning this side and that
to nod to the cheering crowds
children upon their parents shoulders
toss rings of woven holly-
The Islanders roar as one lands on a horn

The parade winds to an end
and all share in a meal
stories are told
culminating with The Triceratops themselves-
each taking the center stage in turn
to tell a tale unique
to that individual
Among the Saurians
The Triceratops are known and respected
as storehouses of wisdom and lore

the children and hatchlings
each step forward
to present gifts they have made-
the recipients amazed
at the level of work and care given to each

while the rest of The Island sleeps soundly
The Triceratops gather in groups
congregating at one of the many sacred sites
that anchor our home

What they do there
is their own secret-
known only to them and The Island

But I do know this-
The Triceratops are the backbone
that supports this Island system,
their unique anatomy has made them
a cornerstone
for the rest of the pieces-

Three Horns-
