Allo Attack Part 1

It was morning in Waterfall City, and at this moment, a Deinonychus in its northeastern sector woke. He yawned an impressive, toothy yawn and rose from his nest bed, muttering something about food. The floor around him was covered in books, scrolls, and papers, making it look like his desk had exploded. But it hadn't, this is the way the messy room always looked. The carnivore picked his way through the sea of debris, stretching each of his limbs individually as he did so. Upon reaching the door, he yawned again. Kicking away some scrolls that had been blocking it, he opened the door and went downstairs. Through the thick walls of his home, the Deinonychus could hear the roar of the mighty falls that surrounded the city. Only semi-conscious, the Deinonychus proceeded to make himself breakfast.

Only a few moments later, three other sleepy Deinonychuses came down the stairs. The oldest of the three said "Oh," yawned, and continued, "good morning C'xoila. Is breakfast ready?" The other two nodded sleepily. C'xoila had agreed to watch his siblings while his parents were away visiting friends in Sky City.

"Yes," said C'xoila in his typical broken speech, "brea'fast ready. Lesse, we's got fish an' fruit."

They each took a plate and after several moments of reflection (as was their custom) and began to eat. "So, where is you goin' today? Me got leave for work at library pretty soon," C'xoila asked.

Sashaa, the oldest of C'xoila's siblings spoke first, "Well, Elecia and I are going to the Observatory. She said she found something of interest, something about a comet I think, that she wants me to see."

Kaylah came next, "I've got a rehearsal today at the concert hall."

Fer'dri was last, "Adam and I are just gonna be at his house."

C'xoila nodded thoughtfully. As his three siblings left his house, C'xoila started to pack his things for work at the library. Normally, his robotic assistant Sparks would have already done it, but C'xoila had insisted that he go with his parents, on a vacation. The little bot was always trying to do things for him. He was just about to step out the door when an ear-splitting roar filled the air. It was a roar un-heard in Waterfall City. In fact, it could only be heard in the Rainy Basin.

At that moment, Allosaurs came up through the underground tunnels that give Saurapods city access. They cleared out the city, not seriously hurting anyone, but driving them out. Their leader, an ancient Allosaur, made himself at home in the library. Meanwhile, C'xoila crouched whimpering in his home. This was one of the things he feared. C'xoila was deathly afraid of Allosaurs, a result of a very violent past experience.

Also at that time, Sashaa and her Irish friend, Elecia, froze when they heard the roar. The star charts dropped to the floor. Looking out the window, they saw an Allosaur blocking their only means of escape.

Kaylah was practicing her flute with a troupe of Hadrosaur musicians when the Allosaurs attacked. They all went to the center of the building, where the Allos couldn't reach them.

Fer'dri and his friend Adam went to the basement of Adam's house when they heard the roar. Adam's parents had been out shopping, and were now being evacuated to surrounding villages.

On their way back from the Hadro Swamp, Alkazra and Mirajai thought they would stop by and visit C'xoila and his siblings while they could before they returned to the Canyon on the other side of the island. They flew swiftly and enjoyed their time together again in the skies.

"Strange," Alkazra said. "There seems to be a lot more movement around the edges of the city falls, is there a festival that we've forgotten about?"

Curious and excited to find out what was going on they circled down and around the city. There was no one about within the actual city and they thought about leaving again, not sure if they would be intruding. As they glided above the buildings Mirajai suddenly became agitated, gesturing wildly to a movement below, nearly causing Alkazra to fall.

"Steady, Jai. What's the matter?" As soon as she said it, she saw it: an Allosaur, growling up at them. "Quick, we have to find out what's going on!"

Flying as fast as he could Mirajai took them to the forest side of the river. They landed and soon were greeted by cries of concern for those that were not accounted for, C'xoila and siblings among them.

In another part of the city, a Gallimimus, a human, a pterosaur, and a large, strange looking dog were walking along the side of the street. The Gallimimus, Quickstride, was in Waterfall City on business, and was headed for the library to return a scroll she had borrowed five years ago and see if she could find her old friend C'xoila.

The human, a boy named Francis, had been to Waterfall City once not long after he had been carried to the island by dolphins. His companion, a Eudimorphodon named Jonathan, had never been to the city, nor had Rex, the tall, lanky, reddish-brown dog with yellow eyes.

All that was known of Rex was that he had come from the Forbidden Mountain area, and was given to Quickstride to take care of by a friend she had there. There were theories he was descended from shipwrecked animals fortunate enough to make it to shore and others that he came from the dire wolves, but no one was certain.

Their stroll was shattered by a tremendous roar that sounded ahead of them and surprised and terrified shouts of people and saurians.

"Sounds like an Allosaur!" said Quickstride in disbelief.

"Let's check it out!" said Francis, immediately breaking into a run, Jonathan on his shoulder and Rex at his side.

"Words to die by," Quickstride muttered to herself, but nonetheless she took off after them.

Zerika was in a small shop gathering writing materials while talking with a friend. She had just gotten into the city and went right to the book binders shop.

"Ze, what about this one?" said Mithell, a tall youth with short shaggy brown hair and green eyes, dressed in a Skybax rider's uniform.

Zerika shook her head, "No, the binding is too lose. The pages would fall out."

Outside a roar sounded, Zerika choked on her breath when she heard it and Mithell dropped the book on his foot. Zerika and Mithell looked out the windows of the shop, with the owner and several others not too far behind them.

"Allosaurs," Mithell murmured and shivered. Zerika could only nod, frozen by fear of the carnivores.

Cyrrus looked over the cliff that the Wing Ambassadors used to land. She scanned the horizon for the winged vessel. "Odd," she murmured. "The city looks empty. Where is everyone?"

She trotted over to the back entrance, the one used by the larger dinosaurs. Coming up over a slight rise, she gasped.

The city wasn't exactly empty. It was full of Allosaurs!

The Struthie gasped and bolted at a dead sprint down the street. She dived into the nearest shop, deserted by the owner.

"What is going on here??" she wondered out loud.

Though in separate parts of the city, Quickstride and Cyrrus both thought, "Perhaps we should find C'xoila…"

With gallimimuses, being one of the fastest dinosaurs, Quickstride caught up to her companions in a few sprints. "Stop!" she told them. "You don't just run right into a pack of rampaging Allosaurs! If you must investigate. Do it carefully."

"Um, right," said Francis. "I'm going to sneak up close to see exactly what's going on. Jonathan will watch me from the air."

The pterosaur took off, too small for the Allosaurs to pay much attention to.

Francis crept carefully around a corner. Quickstride and Rex followed.

"Oh, dear," said Quickstride when she saw the understatement of at least the year. The street was empty, all citizens having fled, except for the Allosaurs, a pack of which was growling and bickering with each other in front of the library. "We have to find C'xoila," said Quickstride.

At that moment, a boy, and a Skybax were coming to Waterfall city with warning from Treetown that Allosaurs were heading there way.

"Oh no," said Shasta to his Skybax, Swift, "looks like we are a little late…. Come on, Swift, we have to get help, but where?"

Tirana Ki had taken a detour from her travels and had stopped at Waterfall City. She was in a shop, trying to sell one of her paintings, when her friend Shada began acting strangely. Everyone in the shop stopped what they were doing and looked outside. Panic overtook them as they saw that Waterfall City was invaded with Allosaurs. The first thought that went through her mind was, "I've got to find my friends and make sure they're fine." But as she looked around her, that was easier said than done.

Lian had decided to take a walk along the river above Waterfall City. A Lambeosaur named Trumpet offered tours in the wilderness around the city. As they were walking in the forest along the river, Trumpet stopped. He looked slightly worried.

"What is it?" asked a voice from somewhere in the trees. Lian looked up. A blue feathered Archaeopteryx named Bluebird was sitting on a branch far above her.

Trumpet asked her to fly up and see if there was anything strange around Waterfall City. Lian wondered how he could hear anything over the noise of the waterfalls, which were still loud at their distance.

Bluebird flew upwards in the direction of the city. Then she appeared to hover in the air, looking surprised, before she came back down and landed in front of the tour group.

Tamith had been the last week visiting her parents at Waterfall City. She was smiling over tea, as her parents told her if all their resent research for the Library. Suddenly, a blood-chilling roar echoed through the street outside her parents' apartment. Slightly shaken, the family walked toward the nearest window to witness a most unusual sight. A pack of Allosaurs walking down the street.

"Oh my!" her mother said, astounded.

After the initial moment of paralysis, the three of them reacted. Swiftflight, Tamith's father's Dimorphodon assistant, immediately landed on his shoulder.

"Go little friend," he told it, "fly rapidly to the nearest settlement and inform then of what is happening here." The young pterosaur flew up and soon disappeared beyond their line of sight.

"Today of all days, Triforce has to be of visiting relatives!" Tamith thought looking around. Suddenly, a familiar figure caught her eye. It was Quickstride, her Gallimimus friend that she had met what seemed ages ago.

"I've got to go," she told her parents and before they could object, she was out the door and on the street. "Quickstride! Wait up!" she called as loud as she dared to her friend.

"Tamith! So you too are here!" it replied.

"Yes, do you have any idea what's going on?"

"No, but we have to find C'xoila."

"He's probably in the Great Library. Follow me, I know a shortcut."

Quickstride nodded rapidly in agreement. "By the way, this is Rex."

Tamith smiled her acknowledgments and rapidly led them through a small alley toward the Great Library.

"Francis, this way!" called Quickstride before disappearing into the alley. Francis and Jonathan changed direction and followed.

Shasta and Swift started flying back toward Treetown. "I know!" he said, "I'll try to get other Skybax riders to help lure the Allos away from the city, and the first people I will ask are Will Denison and Sylvia Ramono!"

Her mind in a whirl, aboard Mirajai, Kaz made her way to the bank where many inhabitants of the city had congregated. Landing they looked out for anyone who could tell them what had happened in as calm a fashion as possible. This was easier said than done, but they soon found the distinguished orator Almaron and he told them the truth of the situation.

"Are there people still in there?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so. It happened so quickly that those in the central areas, small streets and so on, did not make it out. We're worried for them, but it doesn't appear that the Allosaurs have attacked anyone yet."

This was a good sign but it didn't make Alkazra feel any easier. No one knew what to do and only those with the ability to fly were venturing in from the groups that she had seen. Looking wildly round she suddenly saw a familiar pair of faces. Running through the crowd she called out to them, "Pazu, Kamakazi! It's great to see you!"

After they had all greeted each other warmly, they thought about what they should be doing. "I'm worried about C'xoila," said Alkazra. "He's terrified of Allos and he's stuck in the middle of it all. Would you mind coming with me? His library has a skylight we can get in though."

The two Skybax riders soared through the sky, Alkazra searching out C'xoila's house from the air. Carefully keeping away from the prowling Allosaurs, they continued to look.

Boojinko the Teller, traveler and storyteller, had been traveling to Waterfall City to meet his good friend C'xoila. He had been passing through the Basin when an angry pack of Allosaurs had attacked him, running off in the same direction he had been heading. He had been sprinting to Waterfall City ever since.

As Boojinko, a Utahraptor, approached his destination, he thought about the Allosaurs.

Maybe they had been running around the Basin. Maybe they were still in the Basin. But as he got within view of the wonderful city, all these thoughts faded, and a new one arrived: "I need to save C'xoila." His worse fear is that of Allosaurs.

Boojinko the Teller put on an extra burst of speed toward the city.

The small group emerged from the alley. Looking both ways for Allosaurs, they sprinted across the street and into the Great Library.

"He has to be in here somewhere," Tamith commented looking around. The place looked completely deserted.

"C'xoila?" Quickstride called softly and repeatedly. They ventured deeper into the library. Suddenly, Rex turned around and growled softly. Looking back, the group saw what seemed like the shadow of a fairly large Carnosaur entering the room after them.

"Oh no!" Tamith exclaimed.

"Hide!" Francis told them.

They all quickly scrambled to find somewhere to hide as the Carnosaur entered.

Searching the room quickly, all they discovered was that there was no place to hide. The Allosaur had caught their scent, and made his way to the rooms entranced, head low, his gazed fixed upon them. Suddenly, before the giant Allosaur had time to react, Rex lunged at his face. It jerked his head up and roared in rage, but the dog was on his snout where it couldn't get him. Wasting no time, Quickstride, Tamith, Francis, and Jonathan rushed by the distracted Carnosaur, and once they'd gone by Rex jumped to the Carnosaurs back and then down to the ground to race after them. Enraged, the Allosaur turned to charge after them.

As Alkazra boarded Mirajai, Pazu looked around for Kamakazi. "Kami?? Where the heck are you?!" she called out. Kamakazi stepped out, sheepishly, Jelly Donut in hand. "C'mon, Kaz is already way ahead of us!!"

Pazu quickly hopped onto Kamakazi. As they were trying to catch up, Pazu noticed her nephew, Max, and an Allosaur was close behind him! On her way down to help Max, Pazu yelled, "Kaz, go on without me!! I have something I have to do!!!"

Alkazra and Mirajai went off in search of C'xoila as Pazu and Kamakazi streaked off to save her nephew. Alkazra silently prayed for Max, Pazu and Kamakazi.

Alkazra flew in the opposite direction, towards the northeastern sector of the city, and soon found what she was looking for: two houses, joined by a shared courtyard. The one on the right, the one with the small tower, belonged to C'xoila. Several Sunstone arrays were set up on the tower balcony, but there was still enough room for the Pterosaur to land. As Alkazra had predicted, the trapdoor was secularly latched. On the roof below, was a large skylight, and through it the Skybax rider could see the shelves of C'xoila's library. Alkazra carefully lowered herself from the balcony railing, and onto the roof.

Poking her head around the corner of the store she was hiding in, Cyrrus peered around for any of the Allosaurs. She was lucky, they had all gone and chased after something. "Or someone!" she thought grimly.

The Struthie darted from her refuge. She had to find someone. C'xoila lived in Waterfall City. Perhaps she could find him. "I just hope he's okay."

Dodging out from a corner, Cyrrus bumped into something. It growled at the contact. Cyrrus gave a loud whistle of fright, then stopped. "Boojinko?!"

"Wait a minute," Shasta exclaimed, "I can't get Will and Sylvia, they are in Thermala! I have to get down there and see what is going on. Let's land on the library, then we can see and not be seen!"

Shasta and Swift landed on top of the Library not noticing the people trying to get in through the skylight, he looked around, and saw them. "Hey guys, what are you doing?" he asked. "Can I help?"

While Mirajai and Swift watched from the platform, Shasta guided the rope that Alkazra was using to help her climb down with.

Once inside she called up, "It looks clear and safe enough from here, but stay there in case I need a hand up quickly. I'll look for C'xoila and let you know soon what's happening."

Staying safely out of reach of any stray Allosaurs she made her way around the room across the large book cases calling softly as she went. All seemed quiet, so gingerly climbing down she approached the doorway and peered into the next room.

Mathaira, Thistlebud and Maia were surrounded by a pile of scrolls, intently studying them. They were in Waterfall City, en route to the Hadro Swamp to escort a female Corythosaurus named Cory to the hatchery for the laying of her first egg. The three had been to the puppetry shop to pick up a repaired Corythosaurus puppet, which they had left in the shop on an earlier trip. Now they were searching the scrolls for any recent information on Corythosaurus puppetry techniques.

The team had been in the Library for some time studying the scrolls. They heard someone entering the room…

"Who's there? What's going on?" Mathaira asked.

Surprised to see anyone still calmly studying in the city the apprentice approached the group. "You mean you don't know?!? Allos have invaded the city, you have to get out as soon as possible or find a safe place. I have to find someone, but be very careful whatever you do."

Moving to the next room Alkazra continued her search for C'xoila.

Boojinko growled again as Cyrrus got to her feet. "What wrong?" he asked her.

Cyrrus looked around, wide-eyed. "The City's overrun with Allosaurs! They're everywhere!"

Boojinko nodded. "I see them when come from Rainy Basin. I run all way here."

"Well," Cyrrus sighed, "two sets of eyes are better than one. I was trying to find C'xoila before I ran into you. You want to join me?" She looked grim. "I have a feeling he's not all that happy about the Allos."

Cyrrus and Boojinko continued to walk, carefully, down the street. Turning around the next corner, they met with a couple of familiar faces. Quickstride, Tamith, and others where running toward them.

"Hi guys!" Cyrrus said, happy to see them. "Have you seen C-"

"Run!" Quickstride gasped, almost crashing against her.

"Hey! Watch it! What's the big rush?" Boojinko asked, jumping out of the way.

A gut-wrenching roar split through the air. Cyrrus and Boojinko turned to see an Allosaurus running toward them.

"EEEEK!" Cyrrus screeched and turned to run after her fleeing friends, "Wait for me!"

The group tore off, away from the pursuing Carnosaurs. Cyrrus looked over her shoulder into the gaping maw of the lead Allosaurus. She squawked and put on an extra bit of speed. They rounded a corner. "There! Run into that small ally! They're too big to fit there! Lets go!!!" Cyrrus suddenly shouted. The terrified Dinotopians headed for their safe haven.

After Kaz finished searching, she climbed up the rope and told Shasta "He's not here!"

Once the apprentice had climbed the rope, Mathaira shouted up to her, "My saurian friends can't exit that way, and so we're going to try to find another way out. If we make it out of the Library without running into the Allosaurs, we'll be glad to help you find your friend."

Shouting back down Alkazra said, "Thank you but I know where he is now. He usually gets here early but he must have been trapped at home. When you get out of here make for his house or get out of the city if you have other important things to do."

With that she gave quick directions to C'xoila's house and quickly saddled up. The four flyers were soon all on their way again.

Kamakazi flew as fast as he could, scooping Max up in his talons, and barely missed the teeth of the huge carnivore.

"Mackey, are you okay?!" inquired Pazu.

"Yeah, Pazy, I….I'm Okay." Max replied.

They headed toward the Library, where they thought everyone would be. "Where is everyone?" Pazu wondered aloud.

"C'XOLIA? KAZ? Shasta? EVERYBODY? WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?" shouted Max. Then he paused.

"What is it, Mackey?"

"Pazy, I-I hear something, except it don't sound like people…"

"Max, climb up the rope….NOW!"

"What 'bout you?"

"GO! Tell Kamakazi to take you to your father's work, I'll be there when he gets back…"



It had been a month after the disease in Treetown had been killed off once and for all. "How do you feel?" Kara inquired when she took the casts off Atero's neck, knee and shoulder.

"Better than falling out of a tree!" Atero replied flatly. "Okay, it feels fine. I can't thank you enough, Kara. And I speak for Talon when I say that as well." Talon, who was waiting outside, screeched in 'thanks'.

"You're welcome, Atero. Besides, I support the arts, too."

"I knew there had to be an ulterior motive," Atero chuckled. "Well, everyone but you and me has gone for a vacation in Waterfall City. I'll be leaving as soon as I can walk freely again. Do you want to come?"

"I must say that after this nightmare that I need one," Kara replied.

"There is a Sky Galley passing by in a few hours., if you'd like to take that. But I'm anxious to fly with Talon again, so I'll be going by wing rather than balloon…"

Time passed swiftly on the trip and Kara, Talon, and Atero were about to come in sight of Waterfall City.

It had been pleasant for Atero and Talon to be soaring again, but when they reached Waterfall City, other thoughts came into their minds when they saw the commotion in the city.

C'xoila sat huddled and shivering in one corner of his library. In his mind, he was reliving the terrible event that drove his clan from the Rainy Basin. Every so often, he would venture a look out the window, then pull back in fright. He was pulled away from his terror by a voice in the same room.

"C'xoila? C'xoila, are you here?" C'xoila issued a feeble squeak as a reply. Alkazra exclaimed "C'xoila!" She jumped from the bookcase and landed on her feet. C'xoila stayed where he was, still shivering.

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