Allo Attack Part 3

After Shasta had figured out what happened to Boojinko, he decided to go back to C'xoila's house, "I hope he doesn't die" he thought to himself, as he was he was flying.

Swift was thinking the same thing, and wasn't watching where he was going. A huge snap of teeth got his attention.

"Look out Swift! We were almost munched by that allo, we had better pay attention."

But they didn't get rid of the allo that easily, it started following them. "Uh oh, I hope that allo doesn't follow us all the way to C'xoila's!" he thought, "Swift we'd better go faster."

The Deinonychus, Kaylah, led Maia and the hadrosaurs through Waterfall City after escaping the Allosaurs at the Concert Hall while Maia comforted the frightened hadrosaurs. As they negotiated the narrow alleys and streets of Waterfall City, the now calmed hadrosaurs were anxious to return to their homes to check on their family members.

Slowly and cautiously, Kaylah and Maia led each hadrosaur to their respective homes. Thankfully, they were able to do so without encountering any more Allosaurs. After each hadrosaur was escorted safely home, Maia's concern was renewed for her friends Mathaira and Thistlebud.

Before departing the Concert Hall, Kaylah had given Mathaira and Thistlebud directions to C'xoila's house, determining that was a logical place for the groups to meet. Just as Maia's concern was for her friends, Kaylah was just as anxious to return to her brother C'xoila. Maia and Kaylah braved the streets of Waterfall City once again, determined to elude the Allosaurs and return to their friends and family.

Mathaira, Thistlebud and Shada ran down the alleys of Waterfall City, seeking safety for Shada's partner, Tirana Ki, who was unconscious. As the three carried Tirana Ki on the travois, Mathaira remembered seeing a healer's residence as she had traveled from the puppetry shop to the Concert Hall. The group headed in that direction, hoping that the healer would be there or nearby.

As Shasta and Swift flew over the rooftops heading for C'xoila's house they noticed the allo was not chasing the any more. "Look Swift, the allos attention is focused on that ally, lets go check it out." So they turned around to check it out. "That's odd," he said. "He's chasing after a boy, riding on a ovinutrix?? Ishmael! Good, the allo can't fit through that ally, lets go get Ishmael on the other side." Shasta and Swift went to the other side of the buildings. He landed right when the boy was coming out from the other side of the building. "You! Are you Ishmael?" asked Shasta.

"Ya" Ishmael said, a little bewildered from shock, and that a Skybax rider was speaking to him. "That's me."

"Good, because you need to come with me, your mother and sister are terrified about you! By the way, I am Shasta Tirian from Treetown. I'll tell you more when we get to safety. You, ovinutrix, will you be okay here? I have to get Ishmael to safety."

"I will be fine Shasta" Said the ovinutrix.

"Good, I am going to take him to C'xoila's house, he will be safe there."

Wandering around the kitchen, Kaz didn't know what to do. They couldn't stay here indefinitely, but neither could they risk leaving yet, except by air. And where would that leave C'xoila? She tried to keep C'xoila cheerful but she wished someone else was here to do the same for her. Half talking to herself she mumbled: "I wonder what they want?"

The sun had set over Waterfall City, and only a few lights were burning. One was in C'xoila's house. C'xoila drank the Cinnamon-apple tea, only half listening to Alkazra's re-assurances. He stared blankly at his teacup, his mind far off, remembering the last time Allosaurs invaded his home. The only good thing, he thought, was that he wasn't here.

The loudest roar Alkazra had ever heard ripped through the air. The teacup C'xoila was holding fell to the floor and shattered. He collapsed to the floor in a trembling heap.

Looking wildly round, Kaz tried to think. Running to C'xoila she tried to help him stand. "We need to get someplace safe. The roof, or is there anywhere else you can think of?"

Azonthus looked down at the green leptoceratops, "I too know of the dangers of the Basin." She then turned her head so he could get a good look at her battle scared face. "Come, I will need help searching for my friend and you certainly cannot stay here. You wouldn't know where a Deinonychus named C'xoila would live, would you?" At his negative answer Az suggested that they be careful and make their way toward the library.

Somehow both Shasta and Ishmael could fit on Swift, either it was because Ishmael was small, or Swift was really big. "Ok Swift, head for C'xoila's, and once we get there, land on the roof, like we did last time." Leaping into the air, they were off to C'xoila's.

"Look, I can see the house from here, and there is Mirajai on the roof. Good, that means that Kaz is still there." In a few seconds they landed safely on the roof. First Shasta got off, then Ishmael.

"Thank you for the ride." Ishmael said to Swift, and swift screeched a reply.

Shasta looked down the hole in the roof "Kaz! Are you there?"

"I am here!" she replied.

Then Shasta said "I am coming down with someone I met!"

C'xoila was shivering. "He here, he know me here. Warriors say they kill him, but he come back looking for me!" The Deinonychus sat in the corner hugging his knees.

"What is it C'xoila? Who is he? I can't help you unless I know, so please tell me."

Heaving a heavy sigh, C'xoila said, "He n-n-name is H-h-herak. He w-w-was l-leader of Allo attack on me clan. Me was only f-f-five! They kill my friends! H-h-herak almost eat me! Me was in he m-m-mouth! Seuq an other warriors save me. She, she say they killed H-herak. But no! that him! me know it! Me can't go out there!" He pressed himself farther into his corner, racked by more shivering spasms.

Kaz was visibly shocked by what C'xoila told her. Though she knew what had happened to his clan she had never known just how close a call it had been for him. "We're safe here for now, but we'll have to move eventually. I wonder what it is that they want? Is this just a mindless rampage or are they here because they want something? We need to find out...perhaps Jai and I should go and see..."

"No! You not leave! They get you, he get you if you leave!"

"Please C'xoila! We can't just stay here, we have to do something. I don't know what that is, all I know is that hiding here won't sort anything out. I'm going up to the roof for a minute, I want to see what's going on. I promise I won't be more than a minute."

"All right," Atero said, as they were reaching Waterfall City. "We have to face the Allosaurs sometime."

Talon walked over to take a look out at the City. It was midday, and he could see the carnivorous beasts plainly. Talon let out a small chirp and looked at Atero worriedly.

"Listen, Talon, and listen good. I want to tell you something about fears, as in what to and what not to fear. I used to be deathly afraid of heights. But now I fly with you just fine! You know how I got rid of my fear of heights? By realizing that I had nothing to fear of from falling off a ledge that I was two yards away from. The real fear is of falling. If I'm secure from falling, then I have nothing to fear.

"Likewise, you aren't afraid of Allosaurs, you're afraid of being eaten by one. If you can't get eaten by an Allo, then what is there to fear?"

Talon looked over again, then back at Atero, then back at the Allosaurs rampaging the streets, and gulped down the cry that was coming up his craning throat.

Once the repaired Sky Galley had reached Waterfall City Jantos and Ka'ranan realized just how desperate the situation was.

"Well, the first 'ting we gotta do is find whereva' a resistance group 'as formed," Jantos said after a long pause.

"That shouldn't be hard. There's a bunch of people on the roof of that house over there, see?" Ka'ranan said, indicating a house with several Sunstone towers, as well as several saurians and humans, on it's roof.

"That's C'xoila's house," Kara and Atero, who had rejoined the group, said in unison.

" couldn't land the galley there." Atero said. "Jantos, you land in the library and try to find help. Talon and I will go to C'xoila's house and see what we can find out. I know another Skybax rider from Treetown. I'll see if he's there," Atero said, indicating the corresponding buildings.

He mounted Talon, and the last thing those in the galley heard from him was "Breath deep, seek peace."

"Come on, lepto. I don't think I caught your name. What was it again?" Az said.

"My name is Ixus," the green leptoceratops reminded her.

"Oh, sorry. I think we might be safer if we took some alleys instead of the main streets."

As the two new friends walked as silently as possible, they soon neared another group that was lost in the city. "Hey! I think that is some of my friends!" Az cried as she started loping towards the group that was around a fallen Utahraptor. "Boojinko!" Az was happy to see her friend, but soon realized that something was terribly wrong... Turning to Cyrrus she asked, "Why isn't he moving. What happened?"

Maia followed Kaylah anxiously through the now dangerous streets of Waterfall City, alternately thinking of evading the Allosaurs and of her growing concern for her friends, Mathaira and Thistlebud. She fervently hoped that they would be at C'xoila's house, the destination at which the two groups had earlier set as a meeting place.

As the two approached the house with several Sunstone towers, Maia spotted several humans and saurians on the roof. She hoped that Mathaira and Thistlebud were among them. As Maia and Kaylah entered C'xoila's house, Kaylah went immediately to her brother, while Maia met someone named Alkazra, who was comforting the terrified C'xoila. Leaving the small group, Maia ascended to the roof to search for her friends among the humans and saurians she had glimpsed in the distance. As Maia arrived on the rooftop her heart sank as she realized Mathaira and Thistlebud were not there. Masking her disappointment, Maia approached the group and introductions were briefly made: Jai was on the roof keeping watch, Shasta and Swift had just arrived, and another Skybax and rider could be seen jumping from a sky galley and heading toward the rooftop.

Mathaira, Thistlebud, and Shada carried Tirana Ki into the healer's residence. Fortunately, the healer was there and the group gently transferred Tirana Ki from the travois into a nest-like bed. Mathaira and Thistlebud quietly detached themselves from the group, leaving Shada to stand by her friend while the healer performed her ministrations. After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only minutes, Shada approached Thistlebud and Mathaira with the news that Tirana Ki had regained consciousness and wanted to speak to them. She spoke of someone named C'xoila and of hers and Shada's concern for him and his deep rooted fear of Allosaurs.

After further conferring, the group determined that this was the same C'xoila whom Maia and Kaylah were headed for. Since the healer had suggested that Tirana Ki should rest for a period and since Shada would not leave her side, Mathaira and Thistlebud determined that they would set out on their own in search of C'xoila's house and hoping that Maia had already made it there.

Mathaira and Thistlebud said good-bye to their new friends Tirana Ki and Shada, each of them hoping that they would again see each other. Once again, Mathaira and Thistlebud took to the streets of Waterfall City, cautiously following the side streets and alleys and successfully avoiding the Allosaurs.

As they neared the Great Library they saw a sky galley overhead and watched as it appeared to be landing at the Library. The two friends quickly headed toward the library to see if help was needed or could be sought from those aboard the sky galley.

Cyrrus could only look away sadly.

"Is he...?" Az asked. Seeing the raptors condition, she was not hopeful. Boojinko was very bloody and she could see that he would have several broken bones.

"Yes," answered the healer.

Despair welled up in Azonthus. He was a fellow raptor and good friend. She would miss him greatly. Wait! thought Az, That special trailobur salve I carry. It might help. Determined to help her friend, Az asked the healer, "How long has he been like this?"

"One, maybe two minutes. Why?"

Az didn't reply, she just reached into her cape and pulled out a small, silver tin. Kneeling next to her fallen friend, she opened his mouth and started rubbing some of the pungent salve on the inside of it. The odor of the salve was so strong, Az was choking from it. Still, she continued to rub the salve in. Then, she rubbed some on his nose, next to his nostrils.

Suddenly, Boojinko inhaled deeply and coughed.

Smiling, Az turned to her friends. "It's a velociraptor remedy. If a warrior has been seriously injured, maybe even dead for a couple of minutes, this salve will help get their blood flowing again. I think it has something to do with the trailobur in it."

"He's not out of the woods yet," Ixus said.

"No," the healer agreed. "We will have to get him to a hospital fast."

"I know where one is!" Kaylah exclaimed. "Follow me."

With a loud sigh of relief, Tamith smiled. "Thank goodness you showed up!" she said to Az who gave her a toothy smile.

"C'mon," Azonthus said, "We have to get him to a healer's fast."

"Ok," Tamith said following the others.

"I hope my family is ok..." Kael said walking along side with her.

"I'm sure they're ok," Tamith replied, though she couldn't be sure.

Shasta, Swift, Maia, and Ishmael were on the roof "It's nice to meet you Maia," Shasta said "This is Ishmael" He pointed to Ishmael "I am going down inside introduce Ishmael to Kaz and C'xoila, Hmmm...I wonder if he has any tea.. Oh well, come on Ishmael" Shasta and Ishmael went down inside. When they got there they found Kaz trying to comfort C'xoila, while he muttered something like "He's coming to kill me."

"What's wrong?" said Shasta.

Kaz told him "He says there is an Allo out there that wants to kill him"

Shasta replied "Oh.. Okay whatever, but if there is an allo out there that wants to kill him we had better get him to a safer place. By the way, this is Ishmael, Ishmael, this is Alkazra, or Kaz."

Suddenly, everyone at C'xoila's house heard a different noise than that of a raging Carnosaur, it was the call that of a Skybax. It wasn't Swift, this one was lower, and far off.

Less than a minute later, much excitement was heard from above. "Just a minute, guys. I'm going up on the roof for a minute," Shasta said.

Before he could reach the steps, a Skybax that was familiar to Shasta, Alkazra and C'xoila poked his head out. "Talon!"

Atero did a roll down the stairs, while Shasta jumped in the air to avoid him, and he finished by cart wheeling up to the wall where C'xoila was sitting and said, "Good morning!"

"Not really, Atero..." C'xoila said weakly. "But it good to see you," he finished.

"Hi, Atero!" Alkazra said brightly, as brightly as she could be in the present situation, that is.

"Hello, Kaz. What's wrong with C'xoila?"

"They're coming to kill me!" C'xoila sobbed.

"They're coming to kill him," Alkazra said in a soft whisper.

"Oh, don't I get at LEAST a 'Hello'?" Shasta said with sarcastic sadness.

"Of COURSE not! You just get a 'Hi'!" Atero laughed. "Hello, Shasta!"

"Well, now that we're all together again, what are we going to do?" Alkazra asked.

This was a good question, what were they going to do?

C'xoila moaned. All the people and all the noise coming from his house would just attract attention, something he really did not want.

Far below the city:

Adam felt very frustrated. They had been walking all day, as far as he could tell, and they still hadn't reached an exit. He had long ago discarded his lantern, because for some odd reason, Fer'dri's scales and feathers were highly luminescent.

The raptor shook his head, "I thought it was only C'xoila who glowed..."

Adam looked back, "What? Did you say something?"

Fer'dri shook his head again, "Never mind, friend, it is not important."

They continued to walk, and after a few minutes, Adam said, "You hear anything?"

The Deinonychus nodded, there were slight rumbling sounds coming from farther ahead. They advance cautiously, and came upon a narrow shaft, with a metal ladder ascending it. Fer'dri went first, to light the way. When the two reached the top, they found a small room, and a metal grate embedded in the wall. Peering through it, Adam exclaimed, "Look! It's the library! We're behind the wall of the main scroll room!"

True enough, the grate was one of those found in the library's central room. What they saw frightened them. Hundred of allosaurs, congregated in the library! Knowing what they were saying, Fer'dri translated.

"I think we've driven all the citizens out of the city, sir." said the Allosaur warrior. The largest allosaur among them leaned forward. His body was covered in scars, the most prominent across his side.

"You think you've driven them all out?" The allosaur reared up. "What I want is proof that they are all gone! I haven't survived as long as I have for letting one person survive! The one mistake I've made, was letting that one get away, the deinonych. I should have eaten him, but I had to scare him first." the allo inhaled deeply. "He's here, the little deinonych, he's here alright. If he tries to stop me this time, I will eat him for sure, and no warriors will come to save him!"

The younger allo shuffled uncomfortable, "Um, sir?" he said.

"What number one?" he replied.

"Um, why exactly are we doing this? We have our lands in the Basin, why do we need a city?"

"ARE YOU CONTRADICTING ME?!?!?!?!" roared the bigger one.

The younger one shrank back, "No sir!"

Fer'dri thought, if anyone could help them, maybe that young allo could.

Kamakazi was lost. He could find Pazu anywhere, and it had been far too long. Pazu had gone missing after she saved her nephew, Max, from an Allo. Kamakazi had dropped Max off at home, and was supposed to pick up Pazu at the Library, but she wasn't there. He had continued to look for her this entire time, but she had disappeared without a trace.

Kamakazi hit the Library floor with a large thud. He had decided to give it another try. He jumped behind a bookshelf as two Allos thundered past, one of them dropped something. What he dropped made Kamakazi's blood run cold, Pazu's Skybax apprentice insigne.

Bluebird was flying around Waterfall City and the tour group wais on their way back...

"Would someone please carry him," Azonthus asked Sashaa and Cyrrus. "I am to small to help." Sashaa, being the strongest of the group, held Boojinkos head, and Cyrrus kept his legs and tail from dragging.

Az ran ahead as a lookout for allos. She knew that the sent of blood would attract any allo in the area. Skillfully knocking an arrow in her strong, sable bow, Az led the way. The healer that was with them gave directions to the nearest hospital.

Once they had safely reached the hospital, the healer directed Sashaa and Cyrrus to which nest-bed to lay the injured dromaeosaur in. Quickly collecting his medical equipment, the healer set to work on saving Boojinko.

Cyrrus, Sashaa, Quickstride, Azonthus, Kael, Tamith, Jonathan, and Elecia all waited in a room just outside of where the healer was working.

Half an hour later the healer told all who had helped in the rescue of the brave story teller, "He is resting comfortably for now, but I am not optimistic. He has several broken bones, a concussion, and severe loss of blood. It's a miracle that he is even alive at all.

"Speaking of which, which one of you had that salve? I would like to run an analysis on it. How dose it work?"

"I am not sure how it works, but you can have some. All I know is that it is an ancient raptor cure." Az told him.

Suddenly remembering her brother, Sashaa exclaimed "C'xoila! He must be terrified! We have to help him. He is terrified of Allosaurs. I have to go to him. Who will come with me?"

"I'm with you," Tamith said stepping forward. Azonthus gave a toothy grin.

"Me too!" Kael said.

Everyone looked at him.

"I can help..."Kael said defensively, "I'm good to have around in a sticky spot. If you let me go, you won't regret it."

Moved by the young boy's courage, Azonthus felt driven to agree, but then... should she? She figured a little help was better than none.

"Fine, you're in kid," she told him, "But know in advance this will be dangerous."

"Don't worry about me," Kael said confidently, "I can take care of my self."

Azonthus spoke up again, "I agree that we should go help C'xoila, but shouldn't somebody stay with Boojinko? When, I'm not going to say if, he wakes up somebody that he knows should be here to explain what has happened.

"I would stay, but I am experienced in fighting allos.

"Any volunteers? If not, I will stay."

There was a moment of silence. Everyone wanted to stay where it was safe, but no one wanted to send the others out into danger. Quickstride glanced at Francis, Jonathan, and Rex. Francis had that determined look that always scared her, meaning he was definitely going. Jonathan would go where Francis went. Rex sat patiently, waiting for Quickstride to make a decision. He would go with her. That meant two would be gained or lost from the party depending on her decision. She didn't know which was good and which was bad. She looked to the others to hear what they would do.

"Well, enough celebrating, let's get to work," Atero said after Shasta left.

"What we gonna do?" C'xoila said, trembling at another roar, this one nearby.

"He's right, we can't just go out there and say 'Go away, Allos! We don't want you here!' without getting killed," Alkazra added.

"No, but you do have to get out there sometime or another. You can't just live your whole life in fear," Atero answered, accompanied by another roar.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Just then, Atero took a glance out the window and saw an Allo heading straight toward the house. "On second thought, living in fear isn't such a bad idea," he yelled as the occupants scrambled out of the house.

Atero quickly turned to C'xoila and said, "Hey, does this place have a backdoor?"

He nodded nervously and Atero grabbed his wrist and started dragging him down-stairs towards it. C'xoila did not want to leave, and Atero had to force him. As he was pulled along, he scooped several of the devices cluttering a table into his pack. Atero pulled him outside just as the Allosaurs smashed the front windows.

After checking that Atero had C'xoila with him Kaz quickly climbed up through the skylight motioning for Shasta to follow her.

"It's no good us going that way as well. They're much faster on the ground than us and we can hopefully divert some of the allos attention away from C'xoila and Atero. If the allos didn't see them leave they might think we're the only ones from inside."

Reaching the roof she made as much noise as possible and went to the edge so that she was in full view of the angry carnivores. Seeing she had most of their attention she jumped into the saddle and her and Jai performed a low dive so that none could fail to miss them.

Riderless for the moment Talon saw what they were doing and followed suit. Swooping low enough to distract them but staying far enough away to be safe the three Skybaxs and two riders began to confuse the allos.

Maia followed Atero, a terrified C'xoila, and the rest of her new acquaintances through a back door and down some stairs. Just before she did so, she had noticed that C'xoila had scooped some items into his pack. As the others had made their way toward the back door, Maia imitated C'xoila's action, however she scooped items from the adjoining kitchen area into her pack: dried fruits, nuts, crusty bread, and a pouch of tea. Just as she had stuffed the last items into her pack and continued following the group, she heard a loud smashing sound from the front of the house! Allosaurs!!!

At the threshold of the back door, Maia quickly reached into a small pocket of her pack and deftly retrieved a small cream colored pebble. It was egg shaped and bore delicate inscriptions -- the symbol of the hatchery worker. She subtlety dropped it in the corner of the threshold where it would be unobtrusive to all eyes except those who knew its significance.

Mathaira and Thistlebud cautiously approached the Great Library where they had seen a sky galley attempting to land, not knowing whether friend or foe was aboard. As they neared they could see that the sky galley had successfully landed and they witnessed shadowy movements within the galley. Yet they still could not discern whether the occupants should be approached with welcome or if they should be avoided.

In the secret room behind the library wall…

Again the young allo dared to approach his leader.

"Now what is it, number one?" snarled the elder allo.

"Well, sir" he stuttered, "it's just that we should not be here, it is risky to our clan and why should we bother these peo.." he wasn't allowed the chance to finish.

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK TO QUESTION ME!?!?!" bellowed the beast.

"It, its just..." trembled the young one.


The other Allosaurs laughed, and the small one backed slowed out the door. He then turned and ran.

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