Allo Attack Part 6

Darkwing didn't have to fly far to find the raptor he had to deliver his message to. Fluttering to the deinonychus' shoulder, he delivered the message.

Message to C'xoila, from Herak, Ruler of C'xsaan lands. I have another Deinonychus, your brother. If you do not come to the big clock, alone, by noon tomorrow he will die."

His message delivered, Darkwing took to the air in return to the library.

C'xoila just stood there as the small flyer took off. His worst fears had been realized. Allosaurs had once again invaded his home. They had his brother. He collapsed to his knees.

"C'xoila..." started Atero trying to calm the raptor.

C'xoila jumped up to an attack posture, growling at the well intentioned Atero. "Getta way!" C'xoila snarled. C'xoila backed up, head darting back and forth like a caged animal.

"C'xoila, we..." Atero tried again, making calming gestures.

C'xoila shook his head, shuddering. "No, me told ya this'll happen! Me told you! Now Fer'dri gone! Gone gone gone..." C'xoila backed up shakily.

Kaylah stared at her brother, fearing for his sanity. She tried as Atero had to calm her brother, but was just met by wild stares and crazed mumblings. "Fer'dri!" C'xoila screamed and tore off towards the big clock...

Francis seemed to be in a house, and by the size of it one shared by a few families. He called softly as he hurried to the stairs to see if anyone may still be in it, but all of the occupants seemed to have fled. Ascending the flights of stairs, he eventually made his way to the top floor and cautiously peaked out the window. It was facing away from both the street and the quarreling allosaurs, so he carefully stepped out onto the roof, whispering a prayer of thanks for the somewhat odd style of architecture Dinotopia had. Looking around he soon came across the still form of his friend, laying limply at the topmost part of the roof. Almost loosing his balance he scurried to it.

"Jonathan," Francis gently stroked the pterosaur's furry head, and was surprised when Jonathan replied, very softly, "Francis." Jonathan lifted his head weakly and looked up.

"Are you all right?" asked the boy. Jonathan suddenly shook his head to clear it, then stood carefully on his hind legs, stretching his wings to test them. Though bruised, he appeared otherwise to be fine, and chirping happily climbed onto Francis' shoulder. Smiling, Francis stood up, but quickly crouched down again as he remembered the allosaurs. Peering cautiously around, he surveyed the situation. There were allos at the front door where he came in, angrily scheming how to get at him, and allosaurs to right side, snarling and snapping at the skybax riders, frustrated and irate at the large flying creatures they couldn't seem to catch, and who occasionally strafed them when they appeared to lose interest. He couldn't see Quickstride and the others at all. There was another building to his left, and he felt he could jump to there. Walking carefully to the edge, he leapt and landed hard on the other roof, unnoticed by the allos (but hopefully noticed by his friends, whom he hated to leave but would have to find later.) He continued on, and the sounds of chaos began to fade behind him. Suddenly, a large claw grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around, and to his shock he was face to snout with a darkly hued Utahraptor!

Shocked, Francis looked down at the black talon that lay on his shoulder. The raptor seemed somewhat embarrassed and hastily removed her claw. When she spoke she looked at the ground, though the few times she did make eye contact with him, Francis was shocked by her green eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness.

"Sorry, not mean to scare you. MistReaver," the raptor pointed to herself, "need help. You know of red an yellow raptor?" Francis was now staring at the staff strapped across the saurian's back, afraid she may use it if his answers weren't satisfactory. "I not hurt you, promise." Suddenly a roar was heard close by and with lightning fast reflexes the raptor grabbed Francis and launched both of them into the shadows of the rooftops.

Panting, but out of the allos view, Francis turned to the strange raptor, who carried a weapon and seemed quite out of place in the city. She was now eyeing Jonathan, but it was curiosity more than hunger. She looked back to Francis and asked again about Azonthus.

"Last time I saw her, she was in the hospital with Boojinko. She may still be there." The dark raptor thanked him and asked where he was headed.

"No where in particular, just looking for my friends." She had stood up and seemed ready to travel across the rooftops again but paused and asked if there was anything she could do. Francis wondered… maybe she could…

Francis didn't like much the idea of traveling the city defenseless. He wanted to stay with the raptor, but he couldn't think of anything the raptor might find advantageous about his company. In fact, he and Jonathan would only hinder her search for Azonthus, and in situations like this any sort of hindrance was a danger. Unless... "Jonathan, do you think you can fly?" he asked the pterosaur. Jonathan nodded his head yes, stretching his tiny wings, wincing slightly, for he was still sore. Francis frowned, but to prove it Jonathan leapt off his shoulder and flew a neat circle around the boy and the saurian.

"Perhaps Jonathan could take a look about the city'" Francis offered the raptor, though he was quite uncomfortable about putting his friend in yet another predicament. Still, with his excellent eyes and at such a high height Jonathan could search in a few minutes what it would take the human and raptor all day to on the ground, or even from rooftops. And as long as he flew high enough...

"He can look for my friends, C'xoila, and Azonthus all at once," Francis continued. "Whaddaya think?"

Shifting her weight from one leg to another, MistReaver looked at the small flyer. It could definitely do more than she alone could, and though she was eager to be off, it was in her nature to offer her services of help to anyone in need. So she agreed, and wishing the little saurian the best of luck, Francis set his tiny friend off into the skies to search for C'xoila, Az, and Francis' lost group of friends. Watching the little creature flit into the sunset, Mist was left with the human, and the two settled down on the rooftops to wait.

High above the city, Jonathan set off for the place he and Francis had last left the rest of the party. The skybaxes had ended their diversion of the allos, who now had their heads to the ground, searching for the earthbound prey they had wanted in the first place. Jonathan couldn't find the others, either, and he decided that must be a good thing- if he couldn't find them from the air, hopefully the allos couldn't on the ground. Hopefully.

A sudden movement below him caught the Eudimorphodon's attention, and he looked to find something more interesting than the allos- another pterosaur. He could see it was a Dimorphodon, and living at the rookery for most of his life had taught him how to tell when a pterosaur was flying with purpose. This other pterosaur flew swiftly, with precision, unlike the relaxed and somewhat lazy impression a pterosaur flying for the fun of it would give. Jonathan was about to swoop down and ask the Dimorphodon about its mission, but stopped. Too many weird things had been happening today. Since the other pterosaur hadn't noticed him, he followed behind in secret.

The Dimorphodon led him to the Great Library, and Jonathan shuddered at the site of all the allosaurs in and about the library. Then he saw something in the garden that temporarily made him loose track of the Dimorphodon- Azonthus! In the garden with an allosaur! What was going on? Azonthus was on their side, wasn't she? Things were all too confusing. Jonathan wondered if he should go back and report it all to Francis and MistReaver, but he wanted to know what was going on, and he wanted to now. It was time to do a little spying...

Deciding to stay hidden and learn more about what was going on, Jonathan flew down into one of the bushes. "Moves-like-the-wind," the large allosaur said, "Take that deinonych to the big clock. Hide him well, but somewhere where he can be heard."

Jonathan was surprised when Azonthus bowed and walked into the library to carry out the order. He was even more astounded when she came out of the library followed by two allosaurs carrying a bound and gagged Fer'dri.

Not wasting any more time, he flew off to warn Francis and the Utahraptor.

MistReaver brandished her staff in front of Francis. She spun it then suddenly jumped and with in incredibly quick motion brought it down on an angle and landed in a crouched ready-position. Her breathing remained steady and never once did she fall off balance. In awe from the show, but still somewhat fearful of the mastery the warrior wielded the staff with, Francis questioned why she carried a weapon with her. Cocking her head, she responded.

"Is not a weapon. Is art. Anything," the raptor emphasized waving her claw around her "Can be made a weapon in the hands of the careless. What would be a walking staff to someone can be made into a deadly weapon in the hands of the foolish." Proving her case she leaned on her staff and walked with it and in the next moment tripped and brought it down in front of her hard enough to seriously hurt someone. "And finally, in the hands of the skilled, a warrior, it becomes an extension of their own body, and is more of an art form than anything else." The raptor proceeded to spin it around her body with the grace and fluidity of any dancer. With a new appreciation of her motives, Francis watched the display. Suddenly MistReaver stopped as a small form came hurtling through the sky toward them at top speed.

Jonathan wasted no time. "Allosaurs in library. Zonthus raptor work with them, tie up little C'xoila raptor-" Jonathan related all he had heard, with Francis clarifying things for MistReaver.

"Azonthus work for the allosaurs? That can't be," said Francis.

"Is be," insisted the Eudimorphodon. "Is be!"

Staring at the little creature in disbelief, the Utahraptor thanked Jonathan. Turning to Francis she hurriedly told him she must be off.

"Very nice meeting you, friend Francis, and Jonathan," she said. "But I must go now. This isn't the Azonthus I knew in the Basin. I must save the other raptor. I hope you understand." The two nodded and assured the agitated raptor they did. "I hope to see you again...if, I come out of this. Allosaurs..." she trailed off.

"We'll be looking for you!" Francis assured her again. Jonathan chirped and followed by wishes of luck on her journey. She gratefully bowed to both of them, and with her staff slung across her back, she set off across the rooftops at full speed, leaving her two new friends alone, and wishing with all her heart she would be able to see them again.

The group hid behind the buildings watching as the allosaurs proceeded to destroy C'xoila's house. Francis had gone to check on Jonathan and still hadn't returned, everyone prayed that they where ok.

"Tamith?" someone said behind her. Turning, she saw it was Aravis. With all that had been happening, she had almost forgotten her friend was there. She looked worried.

"What is it?" she replied.

"It's Charanix, I sent him to distracted the allos, but he hasn't returned and I'm really beginning to worry for him," the young Hindu girl sighed sadly, "If something happens to him, I'll never forgive myself."

Tamith understood. If anything happened to Triforce... She didn't want to think about that, good thing she was safely away from Waterfall City. She sighed. "Where did you last see him?" she asked.

"The observatory, he was running through the gardens."

Tamith looked from her friend to the rest of them looking as C'xoila's house was destroyed.

"Oh no you don't," Aravis cut into her thoughts, "If someone is to go look for him, it's me and me alone, I can't ask you to leave another friend, who might be completely helpless, to help me. I'll find him, and don't worry about me."

"I can't just leave you wander in a city full of allos by yourself!" she countered.

"And why not? I've been in worse messes and still came out clean, you just promise me you'll find that friend of yours and I'll be perfectly fine."

"No, out of the question, forget it, no way-"

"Excuse me?"

Looking down, she saw Kael smiling up at her.

"I'll go with her, that way, after we find her friend, we can look for my family!"

"See?" Aravis told her, "Not alone."

Tamith looked back and forth at the two of them. This wasn't a good idea, but what could she do?

"Fine, go. But promise me you'll be careful, if something happens to either of you, I'll never ever forgive myself."

Aravis gave her the you-know-me look and smiled.

"We can take care of each other, and you aren't responsible for me anymore! I'm an apprentice remember?"

Tamith smiled, "Good luck."

"Same here," Aravis replied. She and Kael turned and left back the way they had come.

"You better be careful..." she muttered to herself. Looking back to the rest of the group she said: "Are we going to stay here looking at the chaos or are we going to go help our friends?"

"They did what?" asked Quickstride.

"They left to find Charanix," repeated Tamith.

"Great, just great," said the Gallimimus sarcastically. "So let's assess things. As far as we know, Boojinko's in the hospital and Azonthus is there with him. We have no idea where Francis and Jonathan are. C'xoila? Charanix? No idea. And now we're missing Aravis and that Kael kid. Just perfect." She paced the floor. The group had moved into one of the large museums near Plesiosaur canal, for a simple reason- despite the losses the group had suffered, they had still managed to grow. First, they had met up with Shasta, Swift, Alkazra, Mirajai, Atero, Talon, C'xoila, and Kaylah. All of them, except of course C'xoila, were inside, despite the claustrophobic nature of skybaxes. Quickstride guessed that their fear of allosaurs was more powerful. Then, as they were looking for a place to hide they had run across the tour group, consisting of Bluebird, Trumpet, Lian, Joy, and assorted other humans and small saurians. That in addition to the original group- Quickstride, Rex, Cyrrus, Tamith, Sashaa, Elecia, and Ixus. "This is just perfect," Quickstride muttered once again, shaking her head. Now what?

Getting past the allosaurs had been no problem for MistReaver. She now moved quickly toward the Big Clock. She couldn't believe what the little flyer had related, Az helping the allos? Making a deep-throated growl Mist swore not to help who had once been her friend. No, this mission was now to save the smaller raptor that the allos and Azonthus had taken captive.

Reaching the end of the rooftops, the raptor bounded to the ground and took off toward the great clock. She reached the One-earth globe and quickly found her way inside, avoiding the allosaurs guarding the outside. Slowly creeping through the shadows around the perimeter of the building, she saw Azonthus was accompanied by a very large, ancient looking allosaur and the small deinonych tied and strapped to a chair. He looked fearful but still shot Azonthus reproachful looks, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact. Seeing her chance, MistReaver jumped from the shadows down to the level of the others.

"MistReaver! Since when were you here?" Azonthus looked genuinely confused.

"Save it, traitor," the dark raptor snarled. "You help those who destroy clans. Not I remember your own brother," she spat, "was taken from you by them?" Az seemed to want to say something, but glancing at Herak stayed quiet. "I deal with you after the large one." With this she turned to the large allosaur who hearing this laughed and charged the smaller utahraptor.

As he finally reached her, Herak lunged toward MistReaver. She jumped 10 feet clear into the air and spun around. One end of her staff impacted hard with Herak's muzzle, followed immediately by her kinds foot and sickle claw, and as she completed her spin, the other end of her staff cracked the allo's muzzle. Stunned, but in no way seriously hurt, Herak stumbled back and shook his head. Then with hate blazing in his eyes, the turned and without warning his long hard tail hit MistReaver full force in her chest. A few snaps were heard and she was thrown back against a wall. She vaguely heard someone cry out for her, followed by another. She could only assume this to be the deinonych and Azonthus. She opened her eyes to find the huge allosaur towering over her. He reared his head back and started to bring it down for the final bite that would be the end of MistReaver. Though her mind was clouded by pain, she took the chance she had and as Herak's head came down on her, she thrust her 12-foot long staff up to a pressure point in his neck that would cut off oxygen to the brain. After doing so Herak suddenly stopped his charge. His eyes glazed over and he fell hard to the ground. Azonthus stood off to the side.

"He unconscious, he come to in 30 min, enough time to figure out something to do." Finishing this, Mist stood up slowly, painfully. Leaning on her staff she dragged herself over the Fer'dri and slashed his bindings with her claws. He offered his shoulder as support, and leaning on him, the two walked toward the door. When Az tried to help, MistReaver snarled weakly, showing her teeth, but as she did so a small trickle of blood ran from the corner of her mouth.

"Traitor!" she roared, causing more blood to run down her jaw. She then coughed hoarsely and yet more blood trickled from her muzzle. Fer'dri asked if she was going to be ok.

"Is internal bleeding, small raptor friend. Thanks for concern, but too late. No healer can help MistReaver now." She just wanted to be away from the allo and the one who she had thought was a friend. The two walked toward the door MistReaver stumbling ever few steps and leaning heavily on her staff, leaving Azonthus with her mouth hanging open, desperately wanting to explain things to both of them.

Aravis had to hand it to him, the kid had managed to keep up with her with no trouble at all. That was a relief. For a moment she thought she would have to baby-sit to keep Tamith from coming. Swiftly making her way around the Observatory, she called Char softly, keeping a wry eye I for allosaurs. A few small grunts caught her attention immediately. Turning, she saw the chasmosaur peeking out from it's hiding place underneath some fallen shops. Sighing with happiness and relief, she ran over to him and put her arms around his large snout.

"I was so worried about you..." she said, tears beginning to gather in her eyes. Charanix grunted something reassuringly trying to calm her down. Kael watched smiling at the touching reunion. Suddenly, the stillness was broken by a series of loud roars.

"It's coming from the Helicoid Geochronograph!" he told them rapidly.

"Someone might need help," Aravis said.

Sure, as long as I'm not the bait again... Charanix told them.

"Lets go!" Kael said leading the way.

MistReaver stumbled into the healers on Pliosaur Canal barley standing. Fer'dri and her staff were the only support that she had. The injured raptor was on the edge of consciousness. Malachy, a troodon healer, quickly rushed to the two. Fer'dri told the skilled healer about how she had received her injury.

Once the story had been told, Malachy sent Fer'dri into another room to wait. Carefully taking some chloroform and pouring it on a soft cloth, the healer induced a sleep that Mist would not wake from for many hours.

Fer'dri paced back and forth in the room he had been sent to wait in. He was anxious about her, the warrior had saved him from Azonthus' treachery. After many hours, he was allowed into the room where MistReaver had been treated. The troodon was carefully binding a large, gash that was across the raptors chest. Fer'dri moved to help, but the healer motioned for him to wait. Within moments, the new wound had been bound.

"She should awaken sometime today," Malachy said.

Fer'dri sat by her side until she woke late that night. Groaning with pain, MistReaver glanced around the room.

Looking up at the smaller raptor that sat next to her, an anxious look on his face, she remembered it was Fer'dri. She'd saved his life, and now she seemed to be whole. Sitting up she groaned again.

"Shh, be still. You're ok, Malachy saved you."

Looking toward the troodon, Mist respectfully thanked him then sat up. Turning to Fer'dri she started talking. "I must return to Basin. My clan needs me and Herak will be after me, I hurt him. And his pride." As she stood to go, Fer'dri grabbed her arm.

"Please, you are injured, you can't go back to the Basin in that condition, I know that for a fact. Please, I owe you my life," at this Mist just muttered, brushing it away as though nothing, "No, really, I offer you to stay with me here in Waterfall City until you are healed. Is that ok with you?"

"Is that ok with your brother?" Mist questioned back.

Fer'dri looked concerned but insisted MistReaver not go back to the Basin in her condition. The two continued to sit in the darkness of the room, awaiting the allosaurs next move.

C'xoila ran through the streets. A crazed look in his eye, he made a mad dash to the One Earth Dome, not giving a care to any Allosaurs he might find along the way. "Maybe, juss' maybe," thought C'xoila, "Me can save Fer'dri if me get there soon!" Soon, though, he stopped thinking rationally and just ran.

C'xoila came running into the circular room. "Fer'dri!" he cried. He stopped short when he saw Azonthus helping up a form that had haunted his nightmares for years, Herak.

"It's a shame that deinonych escaped. But C'xoila will still come. His family is very important to him," Azonthus was saying.

"That's right! Where's Fer'dri?!" C'xoila was in to doorway, a crazed look in his eyes. "What you do with him?"

Herak reared up to his full height. "You, sadly, will never know. Moves-like-the-wind, kill him," he roared in rage.

Azonthus walked forward. "C'xoila. This isn't what it looks like. I swear it!"

C'xoila looked dumbfounded. His look of confusion was soon replaced by maniacal laughter. "Everythin' tryin ta do me in! Not that me didn't 'spect it! Oh no, thin's were juss' goin' too well!" C'xoila laughed again, and Azonthus realized that in this stressful situation, the message had pushed her friend over the edge. "Me told everyone that this the beginin' a the end! But did they 'bleave me!? No! A'course not! They notta 'bleaved me! Who would!? An 'zonthus," C'xoila's expression turned cold an crazed, "A friend who notta friend gonna kill me too! Me trusted you, an you was workin' for the Allosaurs the whole time!!! Now you's gonna kill me!" C'xoila laughed again, then stopped, a crazed look in his eyes "Well, me won't let you do it. No.... You not kill me! You kill Fer'dri!" C'xoila howled, "Fer'dri!" He continued in a soft tone that built up to a roar. "Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. GONE! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!"

"C'xoila," fear crept into Azonthus' voice. "Run. Don't come ba" Before Azonthus could finish, C'xoila lunged at his onetime friend. Azonthus stepped out of the way, pleading with him, "C'xoila, please."

C'xoila clutched his head, "No!" he half roared, half pleaded, "No more a you's lies!" He lunged again, but this time Azonthus didn't move. He plowed into her, knocking Azonthus to the hard cobblestone floor. He ignored Herak's harsh laughter and glared down at the smaller raptor. But the other didn't try to retaliate, in fact, didn't move at all. C'xoila's glare turned to a look of abject fear and remorse. "'Zonthus?" C'xoila backed up, tears springing to his eyes. He believed his brother dead, and now, it appeared as if his onetime friend, now his betrayer, was so as well. "No. No no no no." C'xoila moaned. His head darted across the cavernous room to Herak, his tormentor.

The feral Allosaur just kept laughing, a deep, booming laugh that would have been pleasant if it had not come from someone so evil. "You are a foolish raptor!" roared Herak, laughing uncontrollably.

"You laugh a me!"

The allo chuckled, and said, "Well of course! You've just killed your Velociraptor friend!"

"She, she not was a real friend! She was workin' with you!" retorted C'xoila, still shaken by Azonthus lying prone on the cobbles.

This was met by another evil laugh, "After a while, I knew that that this raptor wasn't who she said she was. I knew that red raptor was a fool and a traitor the entire time. She concocted a story that would keep her alive, even if it did cost her a great deal. And apparently it ended up perfectly. Now her friend has killed her!" Herak laughed some more. "I couldn't have planned it better!"

"No," C'xoila was beginning to loose all sanity. "She was friend? She not even try a hurt me!" C'xoila's head spun in confusion.

Herak laughed again. "Yes, that's right. You know it's true, don't you." A statement, not a question.

C'xoila's confusion turned to hatred for the Allosaur in front of him. "You! Was all you! How long you planed this!?" roared C'xoila, "You cost me old home an old friends! Me saw you killed! But that notta 'nuff for you!" C'xoila was fuming, "You came back, you take new home, new friends!"

The Allosaur let out another bellowing laugh, "I was never dead! That warrior who saved you, she was good, but couldn't kill me! I was simply biding my time! And now I have you." Herak was relishing the moment, "But alas, your time is at an end." He sighed, "It was fun taunting you, but now I must get to the matter at hand. Goodbye, little C'xsann pest! I shall enjoy my next meal, compliments of you." He then moved towards Azonthus, the ancient Allosaur lunging in, expecting C'xoila to have no will to stop him. Just as he was about to devour Azonthus, the Allosaur leader bellowed in pain, the Deinonychus that had previously been weak and crazed, was now standing defiantly, having injured the creature. Looking back, he saw that C'xoila had slashed at his leg.

"I won't let you have her!" C'xoila growled.

Startled at the ferocity in the previously weak saurian's voice, Herak left Azonthus to deal with C'xoila. Herak roared his rage and ran at the Deinonychus. Already prepared, C'xoila leapt up into the air and over the charging Allosaur. Herak skidded to a halt and smashed through the doors leading to the Rosy Morning Promenade. C'xoila crouched and jumped again, clawing up Herak's face and head before sliding down the Allo's back. Herak whipped around and stormed up the wide steps, the raptor standing several yards away, a fierce grin on his face. The light of the street lamps was muted through the fog, casting a gentile glow over the two carnosaurs. In the dim light, it was hard to counter some blows, but C'xoila continued, Herak forcing him towards the Haven of the Muses. C'xoila fought back, dashing in to injure the evil Allosaur, and the two seemed to move in concert. "You were all foolish, you C'xsann!" spat Herak, taking another blow from C'xoila, "You thought to stand in our way! Well, half your clan was destroyed; your lands were taken away! Now I shall kill you, the one victim I let get away!" C'xoila jumped out of the way as Herak swept his tail, and was thrown against the rail of the Bridge of the Winds. Herak kept pushing C'xoila against the rail, trying to either crush the raptor between he and the stone, or to push him over the edge. Looking down, they could see the formidable falls churning into white foam. "Prepare to join your friend, raptor!" growled Herak.

"No!" shouted C'xoila. The raptor grabbed onto the Allosaur's snout and pried himself loose, clawing deep into the flesh. C'xoila clambered up onto Herak's head, throwing off the Therapod's balance. As his age-old enemy, fell forward, C'xoila kicked off, sending him over the edge. C'xoila landed hard on the stone, but turned in time to see Herak growing faint in the tumbling waters.

"This is NOT the end, Deinonych, you can believe that with all your soul," the Allo's voice proclaimed from the falls before he disappeared.

In the twilight, C'xoila stared over the falls. Herak would torment him no more. Slowly, he walked back to the clock, to where his friend lay.

Entering the mist-filled room, C'xoila saw his friend on the damp floor. Slowly walking over to her, he knelt. "'Zonthus, me sorry. Not mean a kill you!" tears started spilling over his face and onto the floor. All was quiet except for the water rushing on its journey to the falls and the Deinonychus weeping. Then, he heard it.

A soft groan came from Az. Hand quivering, he placed a clawed finger over her jugular vein. It was very faint, but she did have a pulse. Azonthus was alive! Elated that he hadn't killed his friend, he gently picked her up and slowly walked back to Rosy Morning Promenade. This time he would head into the city, towards a healers.

On the street, he ran into Aravis, Charanix, and Kael. "What on earth happened to her!" Aravis demanded when she saw Azonthus' limp form in C'xoila's arms.

"She be fine," C'xoila said, "have ta get her to healers."

Charanix offered to carry Azonthus on his broad back. Soon, the hopeful group entered the hospital on Pliosaur Canal.

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