Skybax Rescue: Part 3

Azonthus and C'xoila run from the guards and escape into the city. They dash rudely among the citizens and hid in a tall, tall tower. From there they can see the entrance. They have posted 20 guards and anyone who tried to get through would fall beneath their claws. "Well," C xoila said, "Were safe for a while. I just hope the others don't try to come after us. We wouldn't have a chance.............

A pterodactyl flies into the tower *SKKRREEH!!!* 3 guards run in after them... "WE HAVE THEM!!!" one of the guards cried out.

The raptors are brought to a main temple in the middle of the city ... the raptor guards bring the captives before the giant doors of the temple .. the guards have staffs with white-electrical stones .. the doors swing open , and a tall raptor wearing a long black cloak comes through ... ""

"They are top-landers, wizwun " the guard says.

"Hmm...they must battle RedClaw !!!!!

The name RedClaw stirred horrible memories deep in Az's mind. That name sounded familiar.......

When the huge Megaraptor stepped out from behind a hidden doorway Azonthus recognized him. She could never forget the muscular raptor she had fought in the Rainy Basin. Her scared left eye started throbbing.

"C xoila, I know this raptor. He nearly killed me in the Basin!"

"Then you can't fight him, I will." The larger theropod told her.

"No, I have to finish what I didn't far to long ago."

Stepping forward, Azonthus challenged RedClaw. "We have unfinished business, primitive one."

"And you are about to die, Pest!" So saying he charged her, claws prepared to battle once again.......

"No Az," C'xoila said. "You will NOT fight this battle alone. I am your friend and I will NOT let you do this with out me." The two raptors circled around the much larger one. All three striking and slashing in a magnificent, though deadly dance. As one of C'xoilas blows struck home on the massive beast, a thought entered his head.

Where are those raptors? Boojinko and the others?

Little did I know, but they were directly above him and Az! In a secret passage they watched through a hole in the roof.

Lyla stared at Boojinko and said, "We must help our friends. Though they fight valiantly, they are no match for RedClaw."

"What do we do?" Asked Boojinko.

Daruis stepped forward and said, "For one, I know what I must do!" He somersaulted down through the opening and landed squarely on the Megaraptor's shoulders. He was sent crashing to the floor and Daruis continued his attack. For a moment, C'xoila and Azonthus did not know what was happening. They just stood there, staring. Daruis joined them and said, "You didn't think we'd let you do this alone, do you?" The others jumped down as well and joined in in the attack. Together they fought, 6 against 1. Soon the Megaraptor was to tired to fight any longer. He dropped from exhaustion, not from the relatively minor injuries it sustained. The 6 didn't want it any other way.

Cyrrus leads the humans back toward the city. "Behind the next bend, that's where the city is."

Carefully looking around the corner, they get their first glimpse at the beautiful city. They all gasp in awe.

"It's beautiful!" Alkazra says.

"That it is." Crabb agrees.

"And heavily guarded." Tamith points out gesturing toward the guards.

"How do we get past them?"

Looking up, Tamith spots a narrow ledge just above them and going over the raptor guards. Tamith reaches into her pack and pulls out a rope. "I have an idea! Alkazra, since you are more accustomed to heights than us, do you think you could climb up there and tie this rope up to something so that we can follow? I think we should be able to go right over them with out them knowing it."

"But what about the trikes?" Cyrrus asked.

Testing each foot and hand hold as she went she lightly pulled herself up on to the narrow ledge as she reached it she could see far more than the others below. Tying off the rope she peered down.

"There's some sort of fight going on. Wait down there I'll climb further along. It's over now the largest has given up Az and the others have won. Come on up."

*Thunk!* The Struthie jumps up next to Kaz on the ledge. She smiles, "I don't really like ropes.

"They may have won the fight but they're out-numbered and very tired. Will the raptors honor some sort of agreement because they won or will we need to find a way to help them?" Alkazra wondered.

"Perhaps we could offer help for the one who lost, we have a healer up above who could help him. If they have the same sort of loyalty as Stinktooth then we would be fine."

"That would be the ideal thing, them letting us help the one that lost, but I think it unlikely. If they have put our ambassadors to fight, I don't think they'll let us humans help much, lets see what happens then decided what to do. Do we agree?" Tamith asked.

"Yes, but if it starts to go wrong we can't just sit here."

The raptor in the black cape spoke once again, "You upper ones good fighters. Maybe live, maybe not. Stay here till decide! Three Outlaws! You die! Not know how survived death-stones, but will die again!"

The 6 raptors were horrified at the ancient raptors orders. Staying was exactly what all 6 wanted to do until the skybax and rider were found, but to cold-bloodedly kill the three natives? Unthinkable!

Stepping forward a battered Azonthus spoke loudly enough for all present to hear. "We can help RedClaw, but only if you let these three live. Please, what harm have they done? They are just strongly opinionated. What harm is that? If you can't have your own opinion, then what can you have?

"To cold-bloodedly kill is worse than anything I can imagine. I understand your fear of us. We come from somewhere that you don't understand, but we can learn from you. You obviously have some pretty good ideas, probably better than any we have had up-above." Azonthus was careful to praise the sub-terrain raptors. "What do you say we just take the flyer and rider back up above and leave you alone? Then you can continue to live down here in peace, or come above to see what we have accomplished, though we have nothing quite like an underground city."

An elder raptor steps forward. All the other raptors make room for this obviously older one. It says "We see if you tell truth. Rider and Bax unharmed. You take us to upper world. We see cities, people. We think good, kind, you all, Bax and rider go free. If not, Deathstones for you."

All the raptors shivered.

The sub-raptors crowd around the elder saying, "We go up, we not come back!" "They gonna eat us!" "No! No no no!"

C'xoila walks up to the elder. he now walks with a limp. "We accept your offer. We will show you our cities. Our peoples. You will like what you see. The Sky Bax and rider did not mean to disturb your society. The crashed, and they needed a dry place to stay. They did not know that the cave was an entrance."

All of a sudden, the doors to the chamber crashed open and in walked 6 raptor guards. 3 carried humans, Crabb, Alkazra, and Tamith.

"We find these creatures in tunnel. They upperworlders. What we do with them? They taste good?"

All three humans look really uncomfortable at that and start squirming to get loose.

Alkazra just smiles and says, "Az, C'xoila. What happened while we were gone?"

Up above the chamber where the fight took place, two sapphire eyes watch. The young Struthie managed to escape the raptor guards. Now she was watching for a good time to drop in on the problem below. She looks at C'xoila and waves her hand. The raptor sees the movement and gives Cyrrus a slow nod. The Struthie smiles. "Now we play the waiting game."

Tamith shivers slightly at the words. I look at my friends nervously then give a shy smile at the undergrounders. "Breath deep, seek peace..." I say stretching out my hand in the familiar Dinotopian gesture.

Putting on her bravest face Alkazra stepped forward to talk to her friends. A sharp dig in the ribs from one of the guards reminded her to move slowly.

"Sorry about meeting you again in this way," she smiled, "We were so busy trying to climb, and then getting distracted by the fight, before we knew what was happening they had Tamith and Crabb. I was up on the ledge but they threatened the others so down I came."

The reminder that Cyrrus was still free gave her courage and much to the surprise of the others, as well as herself, she was soon engaged in conversation with one of the guards. Soon others joined in and very quickly most of the raptors were fascinated, if slightly wary of the fantastical (but true) stories she told of the outside.

The Trikes were contentedly grazing and eating when The 12 raptors, one Struthie and 3 humans popped out of the hole. C'xoila still walked with a limp and we were all telling the sub-raptors about the surface.

"Kara it's great to see you and the outside!" Kaz exclaimed at seeing her friend.

Mirajai flies protectively down and the raptors seem fascinated with him, if at first confused. A few demonstration flights seem to sow the first seeds of approval.

"Hi everybody!!!" Kara had leapt to her feet, startled by the sudden emergence of a group of tired, dusty, and a few bloodied humans and dinosaurs. She had been waiting nervously ever since Crabb had appeared - with no time to explain - and had snatched the Trikes.

Now that everybody was there, Kara surveyed the ferocious raptors, the exhausted group of humans and the fight-sore carnosaurs, and held up her backpack: "Healing anyone?"

"Thanks for that I did get a few cuts when climbing," Alkazra told her.

"Got anything for headaches?" Tamith asked.

"Sure! I've got something in here for everything! Now if I could just find it......" Rummaging through her bag, Kara eventually produces some kind of herbal drink for Tamith, and miraculously, Tamith's headache disappears.

"Wow! Thanks!"

Alkazra's cuts bandaged expertly, and approaching the party warily, she puts forward a suggestion:

"As I assume we will be going to Canyon City first, why don't Mirajai and I fly to the city to let them have time to prepare quarters for you? I know it would help them as we don't have much provision there for large party's of land dinosaurs and with the rock slides and everything..."

The raptors seem divided on this as they are still unsure how far they can trust the upper worlders. At last they agree: "We have your friends both with us and below, from what we have seen of you all you will not risk them un-necessarily. You are free to go but be sure to be the first to greet us there."

Smiling the apprentice turns and unloads what food is left in Mirajai's pack for the others. The northies are prepared to go and mounting up she waves to the group: "Fly High, Seek Peace..."

"Fly high, seek peace! Good luck Alkazra." Tamith called out as the skybax and rider took off.

"Good luck Kaz! We'll see you there." Kara said to the swiftly vanishing forms.

Limping up to Kara, C xoila asked her "Kara? Do you think you could do anything for my leg?" Kara just looked at the twisted limb and shook her head sadly. C'xoila was very upset. He dropped his pack on the ground and out rolled the blue sunstone chip! As it rolled closer to C'xoila's injured leg, it glowed brighter.

"YES! OF COURSE!" C'xoila put the chip towards his leg and bone realigned, blood flowed back into their veins and skin sewed itself back together. Soon, he was the picture of health. "Kara," he said. "I think this would interest you....." He handed the chip to Kara and she could just stare in amazement.

"Well is everyone healed? Good. Shall we escort our honored guests to the highlights of our culture now?" Cyrrus said.

The group starts the long trek to Canyon City. Only this time the fate of two Dinotopian lives are at stake. The difficult part had just begun.

After an uneventful trip through the canyon, we arrived at Canyon City. The underground Raptors gazed in amazement at the pinnacles and towers. Doors of the inn opened and Alkazra stepped out with a wide grin. Along with her were the protoceratops Vemmi. Vemmi focused her gaze on the Deep-raptor clan and she said, "Ah, our guests have arrived!" Alkazra came over to say hi to everyone and the protoceratops conversed with the Sub-raptors.

"I'm sorry there are no master riders to greet you but they are all busy outside of the canyon. I am sure there must be those who need rest and food so if you want to follow me. I will conduct the grand tour in an hour, unless there are those who wish to go now?"

After a good meal the raptor party was ready to have their first real look at the city. The invitation was extended to those of her friends who wanted to go as well. It was to be a basic tour from the canyon floor to show the scale of the city and the skill it took to build the living areas in it.

The raptors as a whole seemed genuinely impressed but there were still a few who didn't go along with this opinion and constantly asked questions of their guide...

Cyrrus and C'xoila, as well as several others, had gone with the sub-raptors to supervise the tour. Seeing the raptors who were bored, the Struthie turns to C'xoila with a concerned look on her face. "Perhaps we should show them something else? Waterfall City would probably impress them. At least I hope so."

"Maybe Sauropolis...are we in time to catch a major parade? Or perhaps Tree Town. Surely the big trees should impress them, but it's kinda far away..." Tamith said.

"I know! The Rainy Basin! They would definitely like to see the larger carnosaurs." Azonthus added.

"What? Rainy Basin?! No! No more Rainy Basin for me!" Boojinko exclaimed. "Already been there! By the way, what's happening? I hit my head on a rock and I don't know where I am and what's going on. Could someone please refresh my memory?"

"Boojinko, we have made a deal with the raptors that they will observe the way we 'upperworlders' live. If they are impressed and approve then we will return with them and they will free the skybax team, if not..." Alkazra filled him in.

Looking concerned about the few who didn't like the Canyon Kaz dropped back to talk to her friends:

"I don't understand it, this is probably one of the most impressive sites on the island and they don't agree. How can they not love it? Look at the rainbows that come through the canyon, look at the trust between two beings that are unable to communicate through any known language..."

Kara agreed but sighing said "Maybe it's just too different from what they know. They're used to spending life beneath the earth, perhaps the thought of living in the clouds is just too alien?"

"Maybe, but we'll keep trying though. If I can leave you to finish the basic tour I can organize some displays and a proper feast for this evening. If this, along with the grand tour of the upper areas tomorrow, doesn't work then we'll really have to think of a new approach."

After another uneventful trip, they finally arrived at Waterfall City. The Raptors could just stare. They had never seen something so beautiful. Not even in their underground city have they ever seen anything so beautiful.......

Tamith couldn't help but smiling when she saw the raptors reaction to the Jewel of the Polongo. Maybe this would do it. She turned to see their skybax like transports arrive.

Relieved to see that the few raptors who were unsure before totally amazed Alkazra broke into a huge grin.

"See you in the guest halls!" she cried as Mirajai took off and they flew gracefully toward the city with the transport containing the others not far behind.

Many of the subterranean raptors were a little puzzled about how to get across the great waterfalls. When the large glider landed a few feet away from them they were a little apprehensive about flying.

After they had all loaded onto the glider and carried across the falls to land safely on the other side of Waterfall City, many of them swore that they would never fly again.

"This way to the guest halls, I think," said Azonthus. "C xoila, you said you live here, right? Maybe it would be best if you were our tour guide for here. I live in Tree Town and have only been here once before. And I got lost big time!"

"Hello? Hello? Good. For those of you subterranean raptors who don't know me, my names C'xoila. Welcome to The City on the falls, the Jewel of the Polongo. WATERFALL CITY! Today, we will be taking a scenic boat ride past some nice spots. On the left is the Aqua Stadium. This is where the majority of the city's dolphin population reside. Farther on is the great library, housing over ten million scrolls...............

C'xoila just went on and on and on and on...........

Leaning over to Tamith Azonthus whispers "I think I should have asked somebody else to be a tour guide...................."

Chuckling softly Tamith spoke to Azonthus. "There's a lot of things to talk about here in Waterfall City! And I think it's having a good effect on our guests.

"Like I bet you don't know that the famous Arthur Denison lives right up this street! And I also bet that you don't know that I'm HIS LAB ASSISTANT! That's how I know so much about Sunstones and strutters..........

A surprised Cyrrus interrupted C'xoila. "You studied under Arthur too?! I took a science class he taught a few years ago. Maybe he's home. I'm sure he'd love to meet these new raptors."

"Yes! Yes, he'd love to! To meet actual representatives from the underneath!"

After the tour all the sub-terrainian raptors agreed that the upper world was impressive and to let the skybax and rider go. A runner was sent to bring the other raptors and captives to Waterfall City.

When they arrived all went to the Denison's lab the raptors told him of their life in the World Beneath. Arthur was greatly impressed with their culture and skill in survival. He also planned to go back with some of them to learn about how they managed to survive for centuries in the dark.

Sitting in a restaurant; Crab, C xoila, Tamith, Alkazra, Azonthus, and Cyrrus talked about how successful the mission had been.

"I sure hope we can all get together again some time soon! But first I must go to Tree Town and take care of some things." Azonthus told her friends.

"Mind if I come with you?" C'xoila asked. "Things have kinda slumped here in Waterfall City and I need a change of scenery."

"Good luck to all of you, I better head back to Bonabba. Triforce is waiting for me there and I got a message earlier today that we have to lead a convoy into the Rainy Basin for some medical herbs. I'm glad everything came out right."

"You're in that convoy too? Talk about coincidence I've just been asked to go along too! I think it's for supplies for Kara."

Smiling with delight at the thought of spending more time with at least three of her new friends Alkazra cleared the table and prepared to leave.

"Anytime you're in Canyon City feel free to drop in, Mirajai and I would love to see you again. Well, goodbye is always hard to say, especially when you've been through so much together, so I won't. Fly High, Seek Peace..."

"I think I can be of some assistance on the convoy. You will need no translator! I speak 200 different languages and can run really really fast! After I'm done with my work there, I'll continue on to Tree Town! Wadya think?!?!" C'xoila added.

"Great! I'm sure the rest of the team will love it if a translator came along. It will sure make things a whole lot smoother if we run into any carnosaurs," Tamith told him.

"Thanks for the compliments! I would be glad to come with you. When do we leave??? I might have a chance to meet up with some of my relatives, Tarqua, for example......... I haven't seen him in a long while. Not since he moved out to the temple complex. I was just a hatchling than, and I'm looking forward to seeing him again..........

It was just about as Kaz was leaving that everyone started talking about wanting to come on the convoy. Heading back to the table she said:

"Why don't all those that want to come, come along then? I'm sure they would be glad of the extra help in the individual skills we can bring. As for team work, just look at what we've been through together already!"

C'xoila said "Ohhhh.....!!! When do we start?!?!?!"

"I must be at Bonabba by tomorrow morning to get Triforce and the rest of the ceratopsian guard ready, we should leave as soon as possible." Tamith told the eager raptor.

"You'll need me in the Basin if any trouble gets started! I'm originally from there! I just have to run to Tree Town and pick up a friend first. I can join you in Bonabba...........

"I'll get Mirajai and fly there immediately to let them know that we're all coming then! I'll see you all in Bonabba. Looks like we have a new mission then!"

She left the restaurant and hurried to the Skybax roosts where Mirajai was resting and packed her bag full of her things. The night was cool and the spray from the falls made it cooler, but she was too excited to think of anything but the fact that she and Mirajai were going to be spending more time with some good friends.

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