Search for the Emerald Sunstone Flowers: Part 7

"We could try your uncles, or go ahead and continue on to Treetown. I know exactly what happened to the tracks," Azonthus said with a grin. "Here, I'll show you." Az calmly walked back a few paces then took a running start towards a nearby tree. A few strides from it, she jumped, landing on the lowest branch. From there she continued to jump from tree branch to tree branch, leaving no footprints on the ground. She hopped down a few feet in front of the group. "My pack likes to climb trees, and I was always one of the best. I can also hit anything with an arrow within two necks, dead center," Az said with a bit of pride. "Would any of you mind keeping a look out for a cape? I'm sure Ba-Blo would leave it somewhere for me to find."

Sashaa approached Azonthus and said, "Who is Ba-blo?" Azonthus realized that perhaps she said too much.

"Uhhh.... He's uhhh....... Well, Heeeessssss.... a friend. Yah! A friend that I knew for a long time that I haven't seen for a while. Let's go see you uncle." Az quickly turned to leave.

Hearing Sashaa giggle, Az turned around. "What?"

"Our uncles it that way," She said, pointing to the opposite direction that Az had been heading.

Above ground, our heroes found that the jungle petered out and was replaced by a high cliff and narrow canyon. Dusk was descending upon them as they started up the canyon. Just as it had grown pitch black, they reached a huge valley deep within the cliff. The valley was filled with golden buildings. Sashaa yelled out across the open space, "Uncle Tarqua!"

Alkazra looked at the siblings in disbelief. "You mean THAT Tarqua???"

Tirana Ki stopped walking and glanced at Alkazra, "What, what's wrong? Who's Tarqua?"

"He's a friend of Will Denison. I don't know much about him, but I have heard Will mention him before."

Cyrrus' jaw dropped in disbelief. "Tarqua is your uncle!?!?!?!?! My cousin Keelk told me all about him. But I didn't know you guys were related!"

Tired from the whole adventure and lack of proper sleep Kaz said: "I don't care who he is as long as he has a warm place for me snooze!"

Tirana Ki rolled her eyes, "Well that explains a lot. Now then, who's Will Denison?"

Eyes wide with disbelief, the three siblings exclaimed in a single voice, "What?!?!"

"Um, did I say something wrong?" Tirana Ki asked.

Alkazra said, "Will Denison is a famous skybax rider."

"Ahhhhhhhh....." replied Tirana.

Before anyone could say anything more, an elderly Deinonychus stepped out from the entryway of the main temple. "Sashaa! Kaylah! Fer'dri! How grand it is to see you! My, this is a pleasant surprise!" He then turned to face the others. "These are friends of yours?"

"Yes." said Kaylah. "We were in a difficult situation a while back and we were wondering if it was possible to have a short rest here, Uncle."

The Deinonychus laughed and replied, "Why of course! You all are welcome to stay as long as you like! But where is C'xoila? Did he not come with you?"

The three siblings shared a glance and said, "Would anyone want to re-cap?"

As the three fumbled for an answer, Tarqua said, "Well, there is time for such things later. Come in, come in!" As he ushered them into his home, he added, "And lets get this young skybax rider a warm place to sleep, as she looks dead on her feet."

Alkazra smiled at this and went inside. Looking to Cyrrus, Tarqua said, "Miss, have I meet you before? A relative perhaps? You're face seems familiar."

"Hi, Tarqua. I'm Azonthus. Have you ever heard of someone called Moves Like the Wind?"

"Hmmmmmmmm....... Moves like the Wind...Moves Like the Wind...... I recall something about a smart young raptor known as such. Very impressive stories , some quite unbelievable."

Once inside the cave Kaz was shown straight to a sleeping area where she gladly fell asleep right away.

The others remained awake talking to Tarqua.

Tarqua looked again to Cyrrus. "I can't shake the feeling that I've seen you're face before."

Cyrrus looked at Tarqua. "I must say I've never met you before sir." She paused. "But you did have an interaction with my cousin, Keelk."

Slightly taken aback, Tarqua responds, "Keelk is you're cousin? Well, I guess that is why you're face is so familiar!"

Yawning, the small velociraptor told everyone that she was going to go to sleep too.

When Tarqua offered her a bed, she declined. "Thanks, but I feel better sleeping under the stars in the Basin."

"So be it, would you like a blanket?" The ancient Deinonychus asked.

"Sure, thanks. I just wish I had my cape back...."

Azonthus found a tree to her suiting and climbed it. High up in its branches, she stretched out, with the blanket covering her and fell into a fitful sleep.

Cyrrus stretched as well.

"I think I'm going to turn in as well. It was nice meeting you, master Tarqua."

She bowed and found a warm corner. Curling up in a tight ball, the struthie fell asleep almost instantly.

The three Deinonychuses looked around them. "Ah! Everyone's fallen asleep!" Kaylah pouted.

"I think it's time for three little Deinonychuses to go to sleep too." Tarqua said.

"But uncle!" Fer'dri whined.

"But uncle nothing. It's time for you to go to sleep!" Grumbling, the three took blankets and curled up on the floor. Soon they were fast asleep.

Most of the party set to work immediately administering the medicine to the allos, under the guidance of the gallie ghosts.

Story and Riptor kept watch over the Bloodfang allos in the sprogs, just in case one should escape. The imprisoned allos made a terrible ruckus and stared hatefully at the people outside of the bars. Quickstride wished they could have dealt with the Bloodfang allos first, but knew there was no other way.

When night fell, they set up camp near the allosaur village, careful to have a guard keeping watch at all times. There was no point in taking chances. They would check to see how the allosaur village was doing in the morning, and then set off for the place Swiftclaw would lead them to.

All were around the campfire, trying to ignore the howl of the entrapped and evil semi-allos, and slightly comforted by the gentle snoring of those good ones who were already cured.

The next morning, the party checked in on the village one last time. C'xoila spoke with many of the villagers, because Lian and some of the others had feared they could have relatives among the allos being transported. However, the villagers explained that the Bloodfang tribe was comprised of entire families who had adopted his evil ways, or rogues with no relatives anywhere. The only exception was the little one from before, who had run away from his parents to join the Bloodfang tribe. Now, however, he was happily reunited with his parents, and the party found it quite touching.

"Well," said Swiftclaw finally, "it is time to move on. Quickstride, bring the rainbow sunstone."

"Yes, yes, of course," grumbled Quickstride. "When are you going to explain this thing?"

"As we walk, I shall do just that." he said. Now hurry, let's get started!"

Saying one last goodbye to her newly made friends amongst the semi allos, Tamith climbed on Triforce and played a merry tune on her dragon flute to cheer her friends on their next stop, Bloodfang's clan. Triforce followed Swiftclaw and Quickstride who seemed to be talking. Lian walked along side Tri whistling to Tamith's tune and C'xoila, Riptor and the others guarded the semi allos on the sprogs.

C'xoila closed his eyes, humming along with the tune and rocking his head from side to side. "Hmmmmmmm......Catchy tune...." he said to no one in particular.

"The rainbow sunstone," said Swiftclaw, "is feared by Bloodfang's tribe because, according to legend, it was used to imprison Bloodfang himself."

"How?" Quickstride asked.

"I'm not sure exactly. I was just a hatchling when it happened, and the Gallies who did it had passed on well before the outbreak of disease that destroyed our tribe. I suspect the allos don't know how it works, either. But, hopefully the answer will present itself when we get there."

"Oh, great," muttered Quickstride.

As the day went on, Bloodfang's clan seemed to be settling down. All of a sudden, the sunstones which lit the cave mysteriously changed their brightness, flickered then when out.

The party was momentarily thrown into confusion.

"What's going on?"

"There's no light at all!"

"No, there is some light, but very little. My eyes are better than most in the dark, but even at that I can barely see," said Swiftclaw. "Hmmm..." He calmly turned around to retrace their steps a few paces. Lowering his head until he almost touched the ground, he examined the floor. He noted a discolored block in the floor with a fresh Smilodon print in the center. "I believe Story has tripped some sort of trap... or test."

"Well, me can still see." C'xoila said.

"That's only because you're glowing C'xoila." said Quickstride.

Realizing what Quickstride had just said, Riptor suggested, "C'xoila, why don't you move over to that booby trap, or what ever it is. 'Shine some light' on the subject?"

"Ahhhhh! Me see what talking 'bout!" C'xoila went near the device, and it was soon light enough for the group to see exactly what it was. It looked like a set of two stones and metal floor tiles, on a slightly upraised base. When Story had stepped on the left one, it had sunken into the base. The 'tile' on the right was more complicated. It was a series of nine metal switches arranged around a round red button.

"Hmmmmmm..... What we gonn' do 'bout this thing?" the glowing Deinonychus asked.

Quickstride peered closer at the switches. "There's writing over them. Looks like letters. I don't recognize the alphabet, though."

"Let me see," said Swiftclaw, examining them. "That is a very old script, old even when I was young. I recognize some of the letters, but not all."

An Anthroceratops stumbled over to look. "I can't see a thing," he complained. "Sorry."

"But I can!" said Sparks. "I know this alphabet well. I just don't know what to do with it here."

"Well, we'll just have to guess and check, then," said Lian. "How many switches are there? Even with C'xoila's light it's too dark for me."

"There's nine."

"What are the letters?"

Sparks read off the letters in order. They didn't seem to spell out anything.

Tamith exchanged a few words with Triforce, then turned to where she assumed everyone must be. "We have an idea."

Seeing as Sparks had the best sight, he was the one who flipped the switches in the order Tamith told him to. It spelled out "DINOTOPIA". Nothing happened.

"Press the button," directed Swiftclaw.

Sparks pressed it, and a small, dim sunstone relit itself on wall to their left.

"That's a big help," said Quickstride sarcastically.

"Hold the rainbow sunstone up to it," said Riptor, remembering what happened earlier. When Quickstride did so, the rainbow stone focused the dimmer stone's light into one beam, which hit a mirror on the right wall, which bounced and hit another mirror on the left wall, and continued like this all the way down the corridor, until finally the light shone onto a large opening on the far end.

"That's our way out," said Swiftclaw with satisfaction.

Turning to his small friend, C'xoila said, "Thank you sparks."

The little hoverhead laughed and said, "No problem boss."

The group walked toward the opening with renewed eagerness. As they entered a new chamber, they gasped in awe. The ceiling was at least some 60 ft above their heads. The whole room was illuminated by the strange glow of sunstones, but the most magnificent sight was a gigantic statue of Ogthar carved out of a stalagmite in the middle of the room. It had it's arms outstretched, each pointing to one side of the room. It took a few minutes to walk around it, but when they did, they faced themselves with a bigger surprise, a giant statue of a semi Allosaurus was there back to back with that of Ogthar's. It also had it's hands outstretched in the same gesture. All the group could do was stare, but they did notice the semi Allosaurus began to get restless.

"Me wonder why they get so worried," C'xoila said.

"Look!" Tamith said getting of Triforce and walking toward the 'base' of the statue, "Writing. Can any one read it?"

Sitting up in the early hours of dawn, Az held her cape close to herself. She was glad to have it back.

Realization suddenly dawned on the small theropod, her cape was missing last night! And now she suddenly had it?

Upon a closer examination, the cape turned out to be very similar to Az's old one, but not the same. It was green on one side, and black on the other. Curious, Az felt along the seams of the cape to see if flexible metal rods were there. Happily, they were.

Smiling to herself, Az climbed down from the tree. Finding an open area, she bent over and with a flick of her wrist to the sides of the cape, it was turned into a hang glider! Happy that this was a sufficient replacement for her cape, Az climbed the tree again but with a much different purpose in mind.

As soon as she was at what she deemed a good height Az leapt from the tree! Falling a short way she opened the cape to catch the small morning breeze. The hang glider worked perfectly! Soaring through the air she would be able to reach Treetown that day, but then she decided to wait for her friends.

Gliding back down to the earth, Az landed just outside of Tarquas cave. Stepping inside she found the blanket she had borrowed was neatly folded on a nearby chair.

Turning to C'xoilas uncle the group thanked him for his hospitality and made their way out into the Basin. It was still early morning so the full heat and humidity hadn't struck yet.

Cyrrus hopped to her feet. "Okay!! Lets go!!"

"I suggest we try and cover as much ground as possible while it is still cool, I'm not too good in the heat! I'm used to the breeze in my hair," Alkazra said.

"Don't let her carry on!" Cyrrus interrupted. "Once she gets started on flying we'll never shut her up!"

The deinonych siblings giggled at the comment and walked on.

Tirana Ki glanced at her new friends and smiled. She hadn't felt so happy in a long time. She giggled at Cyrrus' comment and happily joined them as they set off.

They continued into the forest, Az leading them through what she claimed was a well-known trail. To the others it appeared nothing more than a faint line at the best of times.

Kaz spoke to no one in particular, "I don't think I've ever spent so long on the ground here. It really gives you a chance to notice the details of the plants and surroundings. It's really beautiful."

"Some of the plants here are really very beautiful. I'd show you some if we had the time, but I would like to get off this path before dark. That's when the Allos hunt."

Pushing aside a bush, Az continued, "My tribe is only a few more hours walk from here, then we can head on to Treetown tomorrow."

The oldest of the Deinonych siblings said, "Azonthus, we'd enjoy visiting you're tribe. C'xoila's the only one of us who was born and lived in the basin, and we want to know what it's like."

Alkazra approached, "You mean to say that C'xoila's a Rainy Basin carnosaur?"

"Yeah," Sashaa said, "but he doesn't talk about it much. Our clan was forced out of their territory before we were born. Something about Allosaurs, but then the grown-ups don't talk about it. Something terrible must have happened to C'xoila, 'cause he's really afraid of allosaurs."

Cyrrus intervened, saying, "You mean, the whole time he's down there, with the semi-allos..."

Sashaa nodded. "He must be terrified."

"Actually I do remember something about it." Kaz said. "He mentioned it before, when I visited the cave for the first time, but I found out so much about so many friends all at one time, it was difficult to take it all in."

They continued walking through the forest, Kaz chatting with Tirana Ki about her work.

"Is any of your art displayed anywhere that I might have seen?" Kaz asked.

Approaching the statue, Lian attempted to read the writing carved into it. "Quickstride, C'xoila? Do you recognize this language?"

Quickstride leaned in for a closer look. "Not enough of it to make any sense," she said.

One of the imprisoned semi-allos growled, as if in anticipation of something. Quickstride glanced over at them, and the others in the sprog snapped viciously at the offender, then all turned to stare coldly at the Gallimimus, almost grinning as if thinking about some inside joke. Quickstride shuddered. She didn't like the feeling they gave her.

"Wait a minute!" Riptor said walking up to it, "I remember seeing something like this in my childhood. I can't really read it in detail but... it tells a story, see?" she said pointing at a series of scribbles, "Then... here! It gives a warning of some sort. Then it ends with that spiral inscription. I have never seen anything like that before."

Story sniffed the air distrustfully as Riptor read the inscription. He walked over to Quickstride. "I don't like this room one bit," he growled.

"Neither do I," replied Quickstride. "It's creepy." Keeping a wary eye on the sprogs and their contents, she started walking past Riptor, to the other side of the statue.

A draft crept through the room and down the people's necks.

GGGGGRRRFFGGG! a loud voice rumbled and echoed through out the cavern.

The semi-allos seemed to laugh at this, though the others were frightened.

Tamith came closer to Triforce who had fallen into a fighting stance. "Does any one else think we shouldn't be in here?"

"Wait!" Riptor gasped, "Now I get it! It says here that to bring family shall awaken a curse... what ever that means... the spiral must mean a cycle then."

"Quickstride, watch out!" roared Story, as the Gallimimus walked behind the Ogthar statue.

"What?!" she shouted, looking back.

RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!! came a dreadful sound to her right.

"Quickstride, get away from there!" Riptor yelled, hoping the message runner was fast enough.

An Allo lunged out of the darkness from behind the statue. When he reached the point halfway through the statue, he hit some sort of invisible wall or force field. He pounded on the invisible barrier, where his hands hit was a small explosion of light, but the thing couldn't escape. Examining the statue closer, Quickstride saw something she hadn't noticed before. "C'xoila," she said, "come see this."

The glowing Deinonychus approached the statue, and saw that running up the side, were little round metal knobs, electricity sparking between them. This is what made the force field.

Story raced over from the corner, examining the force field. "That wasn't there before," he said. "I would have sensed it." He nodded at the semi-allo, who was glaring at them with silent rage. "He should have, too."

"This may explain it," said Riptor. "I just brushed the dirt off these." She pointed to some pictures that accompanied the warning on the statue's base. It showed a sunstone being held next to the statue, and the statue being encircled by a squiggly line. The enraged face of what looked like an allosaur was next to it.

"I guess this silly stone has more than one use," said Quickstride, holding up the rainbow stone. The semi-allo on the other side roared angrily at the sight of the offensive sunstone.

"Yes, well we do face one problem," said Swiftclaw. "Even if we find our way out of this room, once we walk out of range of the statue, that force field will disappear and our toothy friend there will give a chase."

"One crisis at a time, please," said Quickstride, thinking. "Before we even start to worry about that, let's try and find out how we get through this room. Riptor, are there any other instructions there?"

Riptor looked again at the scribbles on the statues base.

"Yes! there is a way out of here... but it faded away... I can't make anything out of it. All I make out is a human hand, a saurian one and... again that weird spiral. I can't make any sense of it!"

Things were getting frustrating. They could not decide what the proper translation of the inscription was.

Finally, Sparks approached and read. "Here, on this spot the great evil one, Bloodfang was imprisoned, and is imprisoned still, along with many of his followers. Created here, on this spot, is a wall of force, of pure energy. By adjusting the controls, it is able to permit one to pass through to the other side, but not to get out. Beware, if you tamper with the settings, the seal will fall, and the evil one will escape to begin his cycle of terror."

Riptor said, "So the spiral did mean cycle. I knew it."

Quickstride stared at the allo on the other side of the shield. "Is that Bloodfang?" she asked.

"No. You would know Bloodfang should you see him," answered Swiftclaw.

"Well, now what?" asked Lian. Much as she'd enjoyed this adventure, she was getting anxious for it to end.

"Let's see," said Riptor. "We can't go to the other side of the force field, because we'll get trapped there with the semi-allos. We can't tamper with the shield or we'll release Bloodfang or his ghost or whatever. Why can't we somehow get the semi-allos in the sprogs onto the other side of the force field, without going over there ourselves?"

Sparks intervened. "I have an idea." he said. "We can move the sprogs so their doors are pressed against the force field, then herd them out. Don't worry, there's another, fertile valley on the other side."

"Ok, lead on then. What can Tri and I do?" Tamith asked.

"How will they get to the valley? It'd be good if they were there before we take the rainbow stone out of the force field's range," said Quickstride.

"Stay here," Az told her friends. Moving off into the jungle, the small dromaeosaur was quickly lost to sight.

The sounds of a struggle and fighting could be heard in the dense foliage. Suddenly, a high pierced whistle sounded. C'xoilas siblings instinctively knew that it signaled a victory in a fight.

A victorious Azonthus came back. "Come on," Motioning for them to follow her, Az continued "I just had to let Two-Talon know that we were here."

"Uh, Az, You're bleeding." Cyrrus motioned to her cut leg.

"Oh! Yah, guess I am. It's nothing much, I'll just put a little Trailobur salve on it and I'll be as good as new tomorrow. Come on, I want to introduce all of you to my family!"

"Lead on, as long as we don't have to fight them as well!" Alkazra said.

The three Deinonych siblings laughed nervously and glanced at each other. "Um, lead on, he he."

Further down on the path, Az's brother meet them.

"Hi Talon!" She called out happily to her brother. "You still need to work on attacking me. I'm just to fast for you!"

"Watch it Sis....." Talon called out to his sister as he disappeared back into the dense forest.

"Get back here you!"


"Talon!" Then Az started chattering in an un-known language. There were a few answering chirps and growls.

Turning to her friends, Az explained. "The only way to keep intruders out is to post a guard. That guard has to fight whoever they deem poses a threat. Talon just likes to attack me because he can. Come on, no more delays. My tribe is just around that tree."

As the small group walked around the gigantic tree they were amazed at how efficient the small village was. There were young raptors running around and playing, and some strong raptors putting up a hut for an obviously older raptor. Each hut was a different color, and in front of each, a sharp pole was stuck in the ground, and hung from each was a colorful banner, each having a different symbol. The symbol on the hut Azonthus led her friends to was:

Sensing her friends nervousness at being so near so many raptors, Azonthus told them, "Come on! Don't be afraid, we only eat fish and a few other things." Az beckoned her friends into a hut.

It was dark and warm inside the raptor hut.

"Hey! This looks like a picture I saw at the library!?" Sashaa exclaimed.

"Shhhhh..." A motherly raptor came out of the darkness to speak to her daughter and friends. She was orange and yellow. "I just got Talina and Tengala to take their nap. Hello friends, welcome to our clan."

"I'm very pleased to meet you. Azonthus is a good friend." Alkazra said.

The three deinonych siblings bowed their heads as a sign of respect.

Head bowed, Sashaa said, "It is a pleasure to meet you. Azonthus is a good friend of ours, and our brother."

Cyrrus bobbed her head in respect to the raptor. Then turned to Azonthus, "Is this one of your relatives, Az?"

Turning to Cyrrus, Azonthus said, "I should think so! This is my mom!" After proper introductions had been made, Az's mother asked if they would like to stay for a dinner of freshly caught fish with almonds.

"Sounds good to me! Do you want any help?" Alkazra offered.

"Well, we could use some fruits for you humans and ornithiomimids. Azonthus, would you please find Akiva? She can help," the mother raptor said.

"No need to find Akiva, Mom," came a male raptors voice from the doorway. Two-talon stood in the light, holding two pieces of what was once a fighting staff. "I can help. Just let me get a new staff, Az broke my last one."

Cyrrus and Alkazra went with Talon to find fruit, while Tirana Ki and the others stayed to help with cooking.

The siblings looked hungrily at the fish sitting by the fire. Looking around to see that no one was looking, they each took one. The three opened their jaws to eat the stolen goodies when a voice behind them said, "A-he-hem." Looking back, they saw Azonthus' mother. Each put back the fish they had been holding and mumbled, "We're sorry."

Shada turned towards the Mother raptor and asked in a timid, but hopeful voice, "We gonna eat now???" The wonderfully delicious smell of meat was filling her nostrils and just thinking about tasting it was making her mouth water with anticipation. She was a hungry raptor.

"Yeah!" the siblings said in unison. They were very hungry too. "You wouldn't let us have a snack, and we're hungry! PLEASE!?!?!?!"

The mother raptor told them "As soon as the others are back, we can eat."

"Don't worry we're back! Here are the things you asked for." Alkazra was standing in the doorway.

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