The NRM Exhibit: Habitat Partners

Image Copywrite James Gurney, Norman Rockwell Museum

James Gurney
Habitat Partners  1992

Immersed in his epic tale, James Gurney has carefully considered everything from island terrain to the costumes,
roles, and demeanors of his characters. In this painting, human and dinosaur representatives from each biological
region on the island are portrayed as habitat partners, who spend their lives monitoring the conditions within their
territories. Their findings are presented and commented upon annually at a Dinotopian conference.

From left to right:

~ Oolu and Lightwing, a skybax, watch for weather and atmospheric changes
~ Bracken and Fiddlehead, a Chasmosaurus, oversee the woodlands and jungles
~ Moraine and Bigtusk, a Mammoth, care for the glaciers and tundra
~ Seco and Dorsolith, an Euplocephalus, prevent the erosion of dunes
~ Drako and Highjump, a Struthiomimus, maintain the soil, insects, and grasses on the savannah

Illustration for Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time
Oil on board

Link to image of plaque at Norman Rockwell Museum

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